

  1. Moses Decoder
  2. SRILM


Training PBSMT

./Phrase-Pair-Injection/ <src language code> <target language code> <path to the corpus directory> <path to the SRILM bin directory> <path to mosesdecoder tool> <path to the external-bin-dir that contains GIZA++, mkcls, snt2cooc.out files>

Extracting Phrase Pairs from the Phrase Table

python ./Phrase-Pair-Injection/ <path to the phrase table> <path to save source file> <path to save target file> <path to save output statistics> <Language Model value> <distortion model value> <word penalty value> <translation model value> 

Rule Based Filtering of generated Phrase Pairs

python ./Phrase-Pair-Injection/ <path to generated source language phrases> <path to output filtered source language phrases> <path to generated target language phrases> <path to output filtered target language phrases>