This project contains as series of files and scripts to create and install a virtual machine running SIRF and its prerequisites.
If you are trying to find information on how to use the virtual machine that can be downloaded from our website, just check the installation instructions and our wiki for basic usage.
The remainder of this file documents how to build your own VM.
To create a new VM yourself, you need to have both Vagrant and Virtual Box installed on your machine.
Clone our repository and launch vagrant in the vagrant directory. In windows you should be running something like MinGW terminal, not the windows command line.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
The pre-built Ubuntu machine is downloaded and then configured. Virtual Box should be launched and you should see it appearing. After this first phase you should be able to launch
vagrant provision
That will finish up the creation steps.
Refer to here for further informations and instructions.
A pre-built VM with SIRF installed is currently available at The page states which version of VirtualBox was used to create it.
When building the official prebuilt VM with SIRF pre-installed, we follow the steps above.
Additionally we run the script
- changes some settings of the gnome desktop environment
- compacts the size of the appliance. This step involves filling the virtual hard drive with an enourmous file followed by its removal.
Users are not required to run the