
Helm charts for the Data Science Research Infrastructure at Maastricht University

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DSRI Helm Charts

Release Charts Artifact Hub

Helm charts to easily deploy Data Science workspaces and services on Kubernetes and OpenShift. Developed for the Data Science Research Infrastructure at Maastricht University

Checkout the charts folder to browse the charts available:


To deploy charts from the terminal you will need to have helm installed on your machine, you can follow this documentation to install it.

Add the DSRI Helm Charts repository:

helm repo add dsri https://maastrichtu-ids.github.io/dsri-helm-charts/
helm repo update

Quickstart an application

Quickstart JupyterLab on OpenShift with default settings and using existing anyuid service account to run as root:

helm install jupyterlab dsri/jupyterlab \
  --set serviceAccount.name=anyuid,openshiftRoute.enabled=true \
  --set password=changeme


helm uninstall jupyterlab

Refer to the README.md for each application in the charts folder for more details.


Lint to check for errors:

helm lint charts/jupyterlab
yamllint charts/jupyterlab/templates/deployment.yaml

Test a chart without deploying:

helm install --dry-run --debug ./charts/jupyterlab --set serviceAccount.name=anyuid,openshiftRoute.enabled=true,password=changeme --generate-name

Deploy from local source code:

helm install code-server ./charts/jupyterlab --set serviceAccount.name=anyuid,openshiftRoute.enabled=true,password=changeme


helm uninstall jupyterlab

Create a new chart:

helm create charts/your-new-chart

Generate docs

Install helm-docs (requires golang installed):

GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/cmd/helm-docs

Generate a README.md for all charts by running helm-docs from the root of the git repository:


Automatically generate docs when commiting using pre-commit hooks:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit install-hooks

Add charts to your OpenShift Catalog

You can easily add this Helm charts repository to your OpenShift cluster catalog if you have admin privileges:

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: helm.openshift.io/v1beta1
kind: HelmChartRepository
  name: dsri-helm-charts
  name: dsri-helm-charts
    url: https://maastrichtu-ids.github.io/dsri-helm-charts/


JSON schema generated using https://www.jsonschema.net

Example JSON schema in RedHat Helm chart: https://github.com/redhat-developer/redhat-helm-charts/blob/master/alpha/nodejs-ex-k/values.schema.json