
Direct NBody Simulation Code Developed by Sverre Aarseth

Primary LanguageFortran

NBODY6 Input File

Structure of Input File

1 10000.0
n 1 ncrit nrand 300 1
0.02 0.02 0.15 dtadj dtout tcrit 1.0E-04 2.0 meanm
2 0 O03 0 O05 0 2 O08 0 0
0 O12 0 O14 1 1 0 0 3 O20
2 O22 O23 0 1 2 3 4 0 1
0 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2.0E-6 1.0E-4 0.2 1.0 1.0E-6 0.01
2.3 mmax mmin nbin 0 Z epoch dtplot
virq 0.0 0.0 0.0

Explanation of Parameters

n -- Total number of systems in cluster (singles + binary systems). Suggestion: 3000

ncrit -- Number of stars where simulation stops. For clusters with numbers of stars below this value, it is no longer considered a cluster. Suggestion: 10

nrand -- Random seed used for simulation. You (should) get reproducable results if you specify the same seed for each simulation.

dtadj -- Energy checking time-step (Myr). Suggestion: 2.0

dtout -- Output interval (Myr). Must be a multiple of dtadj. Suggestion: 10.0

tcrit -- Length of simulation (Myr). Suggestion: 10.0

meanm -- Average stellar mass within cluster (Solar Masses). Suggestion: 0.6

O03 -- Position / Velocity output flag.

0 -- Do not output any position or velocity information.
1 -- Output rows of m x y z vx vy vz for each output timestep.

O05 -- Initial cluster shape. Suggestion: 1

0 -- Uniform and isotropic sphere.
1 -- Plummer sphere.

O08 -- Primordial binaries flag. Suggestion: 0

0 -- No primordial binaries.
1 -- Primordial binaries. Must add extra line to input file.

O12 -- H-R diagram output flag. Suggestion: 1

0 -- No H-R digram output.
1 -- Stellar parameters necessary for making H-R digram are output to fort.82 and fort.83

O14 -- Galactic external force model. Suggestion: 1

-1 -- Cut-off galactic force.
1 -- Linearized galactic force.
2 -- Point-mass galaxy force.
3 -- Generalized galactic force (point mass + disk + logarithmic halo). Must add extra line to input file.

O20 -- Initial mass function. Suggestion: 4

O22 -- Manual initial conditions flag. Suggestion: 0

0 -- NBODY6-specified initial conditions.
2 -- Manual input of intial conditions: m x y z vx vy vz on fort.10. Input scaled.
3 -- Manual input of intial conditions: m x y z vx vy vz on fort.10. Input not scaled.

O23 -- Escaper output flag. Suggestion: 2

0 -- No output for escaping stars.
1 -- Basic output to screen for escaping stars.
2 -- Diagnostic output to ESC for escaping stars, and escape angles printed to screen.