
🏭 interprets markdown text and outputs a React JSX equivalent

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Markdown to JSX Compiler

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markdown-to-jsx uses a fork of simple-markdown as its parsing engine and extends it in a number of ways to make your life easier. Notably, this package offers the following additional benefits:

  • Arbitrary HTML is supported and parsed into the appropriate JSX representation without dangerouslySetInnerHTML

  • Any HTML tags rendered by the compiler and/or <Markdown> component can be overridden to include additional props or even a different HTML representation entirely.

  • GFM task list support.

  • Fenced code blocks with highlight.js support.

All this clocks in at around 5 kB gzipped, which is a fraction of the size of most other React markdown components.

Requires React >= 0.14.


# if you use npm
npm i markdown-to-jsx

# if you use yarn
yarn add markdown-to-jsx


markdown-to-jsx exports a React component by default for easy JSX composition:

ES6-style usage*:

import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx';
import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';

const markdown = `# Hello world!`.trim();

        # Hello world!
), document.body);


    <h1>Hello world!</h1>

* NOTE: JSX does not natively preserve newlines in multiline text. In general, writing markdown directly in JSX is discouraged and it's a better idea to keep your content in separate .md files and require them, perhaps using webpack's raw-loader.

Override Any HTML Tag's Representation

Pass the options.overrides prop to the compiler or <Markdown> component to seamlessly revise the rendered representation of any HTML tag. You can choose to change the component itself, add/change props, or both.

import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx';
import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';

// surprise, it's a div instead!
const MyParagraph = ({children, ...props}) => (<div {...props}>{children}</div>);

            overrides: {
                h1: {
                    component: MyParagraph,
                    props: {
                        className: 'foo',
        # Hello world!
), document.body);


    <div class="foo">
        Hello World

Depending on the type of element, there are some props that must be preserved to ensure the markdown is converted as intended. They are:

  • a: title, href
  • img: title, alt, src
  • input[type="checkbox"]: checked, readonly (specifically, the one rendered by a GFM task list)
  • ol: start
  • td: style
  • th: style

Any conflicts between passed props and the specific properties above will be resolved in favor of markdown-to-jsx's code.

Rendering Arbitrary React Components

One of the most interesting use cases enabled by the HTML syntax processing in markdown-to-jsx is the ability to use any kind of element, even ones that aren't real HTML tags like React component classes.

By adding an override for the components you plan to use in markdown documents, it's possible to dynamically render almost anything. One possible scenario could be writing documentation:

import Markdown from 'markdown-to-jsx';
import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';

import DatePicker from './date-picker';

const md = `
# DatePicker

The DatePicker works by supplying a date to bias towards,
as well as a default timezone.

<DatePicker biasTowardDateTime="2017-12-05T07:39:36.091Z" timezone="UTC+5" />

            overrides: {
                DatePicker: {
                    component: DatePicker,
        }} />
), document.body);

Using The Compiler Directly

If desired, the compiler function is a "named" export on the markdown-to-jsx module:

import {compiler} from 'markdown-to-jsx';
import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';

render(compiler('# Hello world!'), document.body);


    <h1>Hello world!</h1>

It accepts the following arguments:

compiler(markdown: string, options: object?)