
Global Warming Potentials as assessed by the IPCC in CSV format, and as Python and Node modules

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Global Warming Potentials

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PyPI Conda-Forge npm

Global warming potentials of greenhouse gases.

GWP metrics included in this repository

100-year-GWP from IPCC reports

20-year-GWP from IPCC reports

500-year-GWP from IPCC reports

100-year-GTP from IPCC reports

100-year-GWP including climate carbon cycle feedbacks

CSV file

CSV file: globalwarmingpotentials.csv


pip install globalwarmingpotentials

Example usage:

import globalwarmingpotentials as gwp

print(gwp.data["AR5GWP100"]["CH4"])  # prints '28'

df = gwp.as_frame()  # Returns a Pandas DataFrame


npm install globalwarmingpotentials


After running


to update the Python and JS libraries


make tag

and pushing with

git push origin main --tags

a new releases on PyPI and NPM will be published.