
Project used to study techs of developments

Primary LanguagePHP

Project Postter

The project was developed to study about techs news, see below the steps to run project and time budget used.

Time budget

  1. Study, analysis and construction of the infrastructure strategy -> 6 hours
  2. Develop to back-end in Laravel(php) -> 5 hours
  3. Develop to back-end in Loopback(nodejs) -> 3,5 hours
  4. Document to api -> 1,5 hours

Prepare environment

To run project you just need install docker and docker-compose. After install docker, you need to guarantee that the user docker has permission to execute the project.

Run project

Remember to check if the ports of services is available.

  • 8080 -> back-end laravel
  • 3000 -> back-end loopback
  • 6379 -> cache redis
  • 3306 -> database mysql
  • 9200/9300 -> database elasticsearch
  • 5601 -> view elasticsearch kibana
  • 5672 -> queue rabbitmq
  • 15672 -> manager rabbitmq

Open terminal/cmd in project root folder and execute:

docker-compose up -d --build

Check is all services is runing with command:

docker ps

Should return:

Service Name Image Port
postter-laravel-api postter-laravel-api 9000/tcp
postter-posts-api posterr-api_postter-posts-api 3000/tcp
postter-cache redis:latest 6379/tcp
kibana_posterr docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.9.3 5601/tcp
es_data_posterr docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.9.3 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
postter-database mysql:5.7 3306/tcp
posterr-rabbitmq rabbitmq:3.8-management-alpine 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp,
postter-nginx postter-nginx 8080/tcp

If not run all services run separate:

docker-compose up -d {{service_name}}

Application Strategy

The laravel was used to manager every application, but at the same time it synchronizes the database mysql with elasticsearh. The justify is that a database Nosql has better performace in searchs/queries.


Responsible by manager app, it run schedule/job to capture likes of posts e save in mysql database. The redis was used in much endpoints to relieve direct requests to the database.


  • Make tests
  • Abstract service of posts by cache-redis
  • Authenticate User to list posts, followins, followers, likes and all resources

Database Nosql has better performace to queries.


Synergy with elasticsearch and skilled to work with API/microservices.


  • Make tests
  • Sync follows
  • Configure follows relationship with resource of posts

Queue architecture, was used to synchronize events the laravel with loopback

Back-End Laravel

  1. Install libs composer:

docker exec postter-laravel-api composer install

docker exec postter-laravel-api php artisan config:clear

docker exec postter-laravel-api php artisan key:generate

docker exec postter-laravel-api php artisan migrate

docker exec postter-laravel-api php artisan db:seed

  1. Run watch Jobs:

docker exec postter-laravel-api php artisan schedule:work

Routes - Endpoints

All routes have prefix "localhost:8080/api/"


Routes of posts

GET /api/posts

List all posts

GET /api/posts/?params

List posts base params in url

POST /api/posts/

Store post

"url" => "required",
"type" => "required",
"user_id" => "required",
"content" => "required"
GET /api/posts/'uuid'

Get one post base uuid

PUT /api/posts/'uuid'

Update one post base uuid

DELETE /api/posts/'uuid'

Delete one post base uuid

####### GET /api/posts/follows/'uuid' Get all posts from users I follow

GET /api/posts/followers/'uuid'

Get all posts from users who follow me

GET /api/posts/my/'uuid'

Get all my posts

POST /api/posts/like/'post_id'

Like in post

POST /api/posts/deslike/'post_id'

Deslike in post


Routes of profile

GET /api/profile

Get all users

GET /api/profile/'uuid'

Get one user by uuid

GET /api/follows/'user_uuid'

Get all profiles I follow

GET /api/followers/'user_uuid'

Get all profiles that follow me

POST /api/follow/'user_uuid'

Follow profile

POST /api/unfollow/'user_uuid'

Unfollow profile

Back-End Loopback

Access localhost:3000,you can see /openapi.json and /explorer to document api.

Basically the intention is centralize the searchs of posts this service, becou