PhotoMVC - React

###My Super Awesome Photos

Design mock (from my version in Angular; see below for link)


Component Hierarchy

Inspired by "Thinking in React", here is the organization of each component in the mock:

  • AppHeader (displays static header)
  • AppContainer (contains entire app under header)
    • SelectedPhoto (displays the selected photo)
    • PhotoInfo (displays caption and count for the selected photo)
    • AlbumInfo (displays photo list)
      • PhotoListHeader (displays a heading for the album)
      • PhotoTitle (displays a clickable photo title)
    • RatingDropdown (receives user input to rate the photo in the display)
    • RatingDisplay (displays the star value under the dropdown) <- not shown in the mock


  1. Build the static version (UI components without interactivity)
  • AppHeader (just HTML with Bootstrap)
  • AlbumInfo (table that holds list)
    • PhotoListHeader (displays a heading for the album)
    • PhotoTitle (displays a clickable photo title)
  • RatingDropdown (menu with 4 options)
  1. Build the interactive components [TODO]

Related Projects

  • Check out the same app implementation in Angular
  • Check it out in Backbone