A fast C implementation of reading from and writing to a simple key-value text configuration file.
Provides 2 binaries to read/write a simple key-value config format.
Build options
See meson_options.txt
meson setup builddir --buildtype=release \
-Ddefault_config_path=/tmp/my.conf \
-Dget_exe_name=my-get \
Usage: mini-settings-get [-f CONFIG_FILE] <KEY> [KEY]...
Prints the value of the key or returns a non-zero exit status.
If multiple keys are given, tries them in order until it finds a key
that exists.
By default, reads from /dev/stdin
Usage: mini-settings-set [-f CONFIG_FILE] <KEY> <VALUE> [KEY VALUE]...
Sets value(s) in the config file.
If a commented key exists, will uncomment it and set the value in-place
instead of appending a new key
By default, reads from /dev/stdin and writes to /dev/stdout;