
Screenshot to Amazon Web Services S3

Primary LanguagePython

A program to take screenshots from your computer ( Windows , Mac or Linux )  and store them in Amazon Web Services S3


A multiplatform desktop (GUI) program to take screenshots and upload them to Amazon's S3.

First of all, you need an S3 account in Amazon Web Services.

If you don't know what S3 is, go to http://aws.amazon.com/s3/


Create a bucket ( kind of filesystem directory  in S3's terminology ) or pick one from the list you have already.  

You need to specify some configuration data.  Edit a sc2s3.ini file in the same directory as the sc2s3.py script file.  

There's an sc2s3.ini.template that you can use as guide.

This program is not only a GUI front end to take and upload screenshots to S3.  Includes also a webserver running in a thread.

To activate the "wsgi" web server , specify port at runtime when asked ( 8000 is the default ).  

Your sc2s3.ini  can specify more than one S3 accounts.

The purpose of the "embedded" web server is to allow taking a snapshot from another computer 
( or the same computer with the url http://localhost:8000/click 
if in the same computer or http://ipaddressoftherunningcomputer:8000/click ) ( port 8000 is used if default was chosen )

Also you can take a screenshot series.  By doing this, the program will generate also 
an index html page to link every screenshot and will upload it to s3 besides all screenshots. 

Every time a screenshot is taken, sc2s3 will also upload a thumbnail of it.

If PIL ( Pyrhon Image Library ) is detected , will generate also a jpg file that will upload to s3.

By selecting and right clicking on a row in the list of uploaded files you will get a lot of additional options.

One of these additional options is to shorten the amazon url with bit.ly.
Also you'll have "right click or context" options to upload any file you want in private or public-read mode.
Not only the screenshots.

You'll have also an option to take a timed screenshot and upload it to s3 asynchronously also.
That is, in a separate thread without blocking the GUI.

If you are in Mac OS X and have the Growl module installed ( it is included in the bindings python section of growl SDK ) 
sc2s3 will notify to growl when the screenshot is uploaded to s3 instead of the normal modal message box.

You can tweet a message and generate a short link by bit.ly of your screenshot. 

To use the tweeter feature you need to download the python module twyt module from http://andrewprice.me.uk/projects/twyt/download/ 

Choose the most up to date tar.gz file that you have to unpack and procede to do the normal python installation , the distutils way ( python setup.py install )

The tweet feature is only available for Async Upload from the Screenshot Menu.

Whatever you include in the message directive in sc2s3.ini will be mixed with the screenshot and will appear in the upper left corner.

If you have a gravatar account, and want your image mixed in your screenshots include a line in sc2s3.ini with ...

gravatar = "your mail goes here ( i.e. averagejoe@lookmanohands.com )"

By doing this your gravatar default image will appear in the upper left corner of your screnshots.

I've found this program useful to share screenshots with others in chat systems and
social networks. The wsgi ( python's idea of modern web server ) option let you fire a screenshot from another computer
using a simple browser, programming language or commands like curl or wget.


Python 2.6.x ( availabe at http://www.python.org ) 
wxPython ( wxwidgets module for python ) : version or + ( available at http://www.wxpython.org )
boto ( python module to deal with s3 , available at http://code.google.com/p/boto.  Also you can easy_install it. )

( I recommend using pip to install svn version of boto module ) .  The way to go is ... 
If you don't have pip installed , do ... 

[sudo] easy_install pip

that would install pip script.  After that you can ...

[sudo] pip install -e svn+http://boto.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/#boto

ConfigObj, decorator and dectools python modules are needed.  These modules can be installed using pip...

[sudo] pip install decorator
[sudo] pip install dectools
[sudo] pip install ConfigObj

Optional python modules that enable additional features:
PIL ( Image Library ) it will be used to generate a screenshot in jpeg format besides png default.
Growl ( for Mac OS X )
twyt ( for sending tweets )
boto from svn ( to use the sns feature )

How to run...

Like any other python program
python sc2s3.py  ( depending on the platform may be pythonw sc2s3.py ).

This python program has been tested in:
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Mac OS X ( Panther, Tiger and Leopard )
Fedora 11
Ubuntu Karmic Koala

License:  Apache
Author: Domingo Aguilera ( aka @batok in twitter and IRC ) domingo.aguilera@gmail.com.  Aka @jdaguilera ( spanish tweets ).


Validate that can be run in Snow Leopard ( python 64 bit and wxpython 32 bit is a little bit tricky ).
A Wizard to setup all needed info ( i.e. aws account, twitter account, gravatar info )
More SNS related features.
A simple cmd2 based shell for manipulating the GUI.
Binaries for installation in windows and mac os x and Ubuntu/Debian.