
Contains topic-wise sorted resources that I think are useful.

Primary LanguageC++

Useful Resources for Placement 2020

A to-do list of programing and non-programing topics to study.

CP related topics

Complexity analysis

Data Structures

Advanced Data Structures

  • Hash Table [unordered set,map in C++]


Bit Operations

Trees & Graphs

Graph Algorithms

  • DFS
    • lexicographic shortest path
    • topological sorting
    • components
  • BFS
    • shortest paths in unweighted or weighted with constraints
  • cycle detection
    • directed graph
    • undirected graph
  • tree specific (tree is always undirected)
    • ONLY 1 PATH between two nodes
    • LCA [used to find distance between two nodes]
      • Naive O(N)
      • Using euler tour
      • Lec: 18 class notes
  • shortest paths (SSSP)
    • topo sort approach in DAG
    • bellman ford
      • identify negative weight cycle (reachable from source)
      • SSSP for any general graph
    • dijkstra
  • spanning trees (for weighted connected undirected graph)
  • shortest paths (APSP)
    • repeated squaring (V^3logV)
    • floyd warshall (V^3)
    • johnsons algorithm (V(V+E)logV)


  • inversion count
  • comparison between different algos
  • custom sort in C++




  • knapsack
    • 01 knapsack
    • fractional knapsack (greedy by sorting based on value/weight ratio)
  • LIS
  • coin change
  • edit distance
  • subset sum (similar to knapsack and coin change)
  • minsum partition
  • longest common subsequence
  • longest common substring
  • longest pailndromic subsequence
  • longest palindromic substring
  • max subarray


Number Theory

  • GCD
  • permutation [also inbuilt in C++]
  • Prime factorization
  • Prime sieve
  • FEP
  • modular operations
  • Fibonacci series
  • Combinatorics
  • Probability [Specific to finance companies]
  • newton method of square root

Standard Problems

  • Histogram using stacks
  • Linked list loop detection

CP Theoretical

  • NP, NP-Complete
  • Approximate Algorithms


Non CP related topics


  • callbacks
  • promise
  • event loop
  • closure
  • async-await
  • generators
  • prototypes - methods
  • prototype Inheritance
  • event bubbling
  • sets
  • local storage and cache
  • Array functions - reduce
  • call, apply, bind
  • XMLHTTPRequest | Ajax
  • binding - new, explicit, implicit
  • web APIs

Object-Oriented Programming

Operating System

Computer Networks

Unix Command line tools

Distributed Systems

Database Systems

HR Questions

  • Tell me about yourself

Previous Year