
Primary LanguagePython


Takes locations as bounding boxes that are submitted to Twitter Streaming API to continuously monitor for intersecting social geodata. (i.e. tweets with their geotag bounding box overlapping one of the locations).

Uses Twython library for robust handling of the Streaming API querying.

Logs locations searched.

how to run

Call twy_tweet_stream.py with python. This requires a couple of simple scripts in order to update and collect the locations from agency data feeds, SEPA script is in repository: https://github.com/battez/scraping and Environment Agency (EA) is in api_wrapper.py

  • first twy_tweet_stream polls locations for river levels. This makes use of get_dbc() to get cached MongoDB collection of SEPA gauges - gauge IDs and average levels.
  • then uses a function in script https://github.com/battez/scraping/blob/master/retrieve_latest_from_csv.py to get latest from SEPA.
  • for England and Wales EA script api_wrapper.py, which collects latest flood risks from their API:
# class ApiWrapper() function is called with a min. severity level and max. no. areas to retrieve:
get_risk_areas(min_severity=4, max_areas=10)
- these areas (as bounding boxes) are passed to Twitter Streaming API, using Twython library
  • To access Twitter, you need API access, adjust the directory paths for your system, including to a file config.py with your Twitter OAuth access keys, token and secrets:
# OAuth credentials 
ul_consumer_key = 'YOURKEYHERE'
ul_consumer_secret = 'YOURKEYHERE'
ul_access_token = 'YOURKEYHERE'
ul_access_secret = 'YOURKEYHERE'
  • also uses get_dbc() to connect to a MongoDB collection for storing tweets retrieved.