
Compendium of cubic-bezier values by popular author

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


It's a chore to hunt down common cubic-bezier values for CSS transitions, so why not collect over 100 of the best ones and make them easy to retrieve and use instead?

Unashamedly heavily influenced by one of my favorite AE extensions, Flow, one of the best tools to come out in the last few years.

Check out the demo here


npm i omodei
import omodei from "omodei";

omodei.assignAll(); // Sets all CSS variables
omodei.assignLibraryByAuthor("google"); // Sets all Google CSS variables



Retrieves all cubic-bezier animations of an author


Collects all cubic-bezier strings from all authors


Assigns all cubic-bezier strings as CSS variables to the active document


Assigns all cubic-bezier strings of a particular author to active document


Retrieves the current value of a given CSS variable

setCSS(prop, data)

Sets the value of a given CSS variable

getLibraryByAuthor(name) ⇒ Object

Retrieves all cubic-bezier animations of an author

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Collection of cubic-bezier strings

Param Type Description
name String Name of the author to retrieve library of


Collects all cubic-bezier strings from all authors

Kind: global function


Assigns all cubic-bezier strings as CSS variables to the active document

Kind: global function


Assigns all cubic-bezier strings of a particular author to active document

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
name String Name of the author to retrieve library of

getByName(name) ⇒ String

Kind: global function
Returns: String - Cubic bezier string

Param Type Description
name String Name of cubic-bezier timing


Retrieves the current value of a given CSS variable

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
prop String The target name of variable, with or without leading dashes

setCSS(prop, data)

Sets the value of a given CSS variable

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
prop String The target name of variable, with or without leading dashes
data String The new CSS value to assign to variable