Make your life easier in making Production Emails


Be sure that you have nodejs npm or nvm installed in your machine

  • To check type in your terminal
node --version
nvm --version

Assuming that you chose nvm version (which is easy to install and maintain for difference version of nodejs)

in MacOS without the Brew

Check out first which shell are you using

  • Run the command in the terminal:
ps -p $$

then install

  • Bash:
curl -o- | bash
  • ZSH
curl -o- | zsh

Installing Node

  • To install the latest node
nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version
  • Check if npm is installed
npm --version

If not, install the latest npm

nvm install-latest-npm

Installing ProdEmailCampaignGulp

  • In the terminal
git clone

then go to the folder where prodemailcampaigngulp is cloned

Then type

npm install 

This might take a while because it will install it's dependencies

Running the prodemailcampaigngulp

To run type in the terminal



npm start

to build your production email

npm run build