npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
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- If an element has a single children, no spacing between childs is necessary. If an element has children, a line breack is necessary between then.
Single child
<span>I'm a single child!</span>
Multiple child
<span>I'm the first child!</span>
<span>I'm the second child!</span>
Templates are only rendering content. No logic rules are allowed here. Instead of placing your logic within the template, create a computed property and use is in the template.
If you have just two props, a single line is fine. If you have more than two props break lines.
Only two props
<Input type="text" class="foo />
Multiple Props
Try to organize your props in the following order:
v-if v-for events (@) bindings strings (eg. stuff="foo")
Class atribute can follow the following pattern:
<Element class="static static" :class="[ dynamic, { 'is-something' : computedProperty }]" />
Imports are being made following this order:
external libs (eg.import Glide from '@glidejs/glide'; '~';) internal dependecies (eg: import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex';) internal abstractions (eg: import { Notify } from '@/helpers';) components (eg: import { Button, Input, Header, UnitEnum, } from '@/components';) partials (eg: import { HeaderSection } from '../partials; )
The vue object is following this pattern: export default { name: '', mixins: [], components: {}, props: {}, data() { return {}; }, watch: {}, computed: {}, methods: {}, beforeCreate() {}, created() {}, beforeMount() {}, mounted() {}, beforeUpdate() {}, updated() {}, beforeDestroy() {}, destroyed() {} };
If a object do a single action, it can be a one-liner
computed: { contentStatus() { return this.units.length > 0 || this.queueUnits.length > 0 }, },
lang sass is being used
attribute scoped is being used all over the application. If a parent component needs to modify the styles of a child component you have two options: 1 - Pass your classes using the prop modifiers 2 - Create a second <style></style> instance an use the root component selector to select the component
If a parent has no attributes no line breaks are necessary.
Parent without attributes
display: block
Parent with attributes
font-size: 12px
display: block
Always sort your css attributes in ascending order
src/sass are meant for global use. Mind your use of it.
We are using barrel files to export any reuasable code.
!! watch out for circular dependecies !! read more about barrel files use case [here]( )