
Coin Dino is a Flutter cryptocurrency application that is made with Clean + Layered Architecture. Powered by MobX + GetIt

Primary LanguageDart


Big cryptocurrency application that shows you details about cryptocurrencies and many other things. Made with Clean Code + Layered Architecture. State management: MobX + GetIt

Available platforms: iOS, Android, iPadOS


Some of the features that Coin Dino has:

  • Local Notifications
  • Theme (Dark, Light)
  • Localization (Turkish,English, Spanish, French)
  • Advertisement (Admob Banner and interstitial)
  • In-App Purchase
  • Local Database (Hive)
  • Remote Database (API, Dio)
  • Responsive User Interface (Tablets, iPad, iPhone, Android phones)
  • Multi Platform (iOS, Android)
  • Share Activity
  • Copy Clipboard
  • User Preference Save (Theme, Base Currency etc.)
  • Graph (fl_chart)
  • Email Sending
  • Click to open website (url_launcher)
  • In App Review
  • Pull to refresh


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