
NodeMcu Oled Evil Twin Captive Portal Project

Primary LanguageC++

NodeMcu-Evil-Twin (DEMO)

This project aims to facilitate Evil Twin attacks using NodeMCU and an OLED display.

How It Works

The device operates by setting up a captive portal to perform phishing attacks for obtaining Wi-Fi passwords.


  • NodeMCU (ESP8266-based)
  • OLED display
  • Arduino IDE or PlatformIO


  1. Connect NodeMCU and OLED display.
  2. Upload the code using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO.
  3. Power up the device.


  1. Power up the device.
  2. Wait for the device to create a WiFi access point with the SSID "iPhone (Chip ID)".
  3. Connect to this access point with "nodemcu1" password.
  4. Open a web browser and navigate to the default IP address of the device (
  5. In the web interface, select the target network from the list provided.
  6. The device will then create a fake network resembling the selected target.
Ekran Resmi 2024-04-16 20 37 24





This project is for educational purposes only. Any illegal use is prohibited and may lead to legal consequences. Use it within legal boundaries only.


This project is open-source. Contributions and feedback are welcome. Submit a pull request or open an issue to contribute.

WARNING: This project is for educational purposes only. Any illegal use is prohibited and may lead to legal consequences. Use it within legal boundaries only.