Sheduling function calls at certain time. Can be used for playing notes, spawning enemies etc.
Schedule are written as strings in following format.
Number, or number/number, or /number: delay as much time before following actions
Letter, followed by letters and numbers - call a function with such name, or start playing sequence with such name in parralel.
as before, but with (parameters) - call function with these parameters, as array split by ",". Can use numbers and strings without "" and spaces.
Example (uses
let seq = sequencer(
{zzfx:zzfx, say:(text)=>console.log(text)},
a: zzfx(1.7,0,50,0.03,0.05,0.3,,2,,,,,,-0.1)
b: zzfx(1.5,0.5,270,,0.1,,1,1.5,,,,,,,,0.1,0.01)
seq1: a 1 a 1 a /8 b say(a) 7/8 a 1 a
seq2: a /8 a /8 a /8 say(mooo) seq1 5/4 seq1
seq("say(hi) seq2 1 b 0.5 b b 0.5 b b b").play();
typescript import sequencer from "./sequencer";
typescript import {SequencePlayer, SequenceBuilder, SequenceCollection} from "./sequencer";
SequencePlayer is created with [time, callback][] and can be used either by calling methods continue(deltaTime) or play(timeScaleInMilliseconds). Can by used by itself if you are not interested in string-encoded sequences.
SequenceBuilder creates sequences that SequencePlayer can use from formatted string and library of sequences and function in form of "map name=>function/sequence as string"
SequenceCollection is created with a map of functions and a string with sequence codes on each line starting with "name:". Has methods add(id, sequenceString) to add sequence and seq(id) to get it by id.
sequencer(default export) - same parameters as SequenceCollection. Returns a function that from sequenceCode creates a SequencePlayer.