
Workspace for the OMF's Privacy, Security, and Transparency Committee

Welcome to the Privacy, Security, and Transparency Committee

We are an Open Mobility Foundation committee tasked with advising the Foundation on principles and practices that ensure the secure handling of mobility data.

To that end, we seek to bring together our members and engage subject matter experts so that we can develop these practices openly and collaboratively. Although voting membership in the committee is limited to OMF member organizations, we invite and encourage participation from anyone.


Join our Google Group if you'd like to contribute to our work and/or attend our monthly meetings. You'll also need to agree to our contributor license agreement.

We meet on a monthly basis in an open forum. Refer to the OMF Public Calendar for details on our upcoming meetings.

Current Work

The Privacy, Security and Transparency committee will review and develop policy for appropriate transparency and data protection measures such as privacy, data retention and anonymization features, as well as technical security practices related to urban mobility data including but not limited to encryption, role-based access control, and penetration testing.  These policies shall support responsible and trustworthy data management practices that serve individual privacy, security, transparency and safety.

Read the full Privacy, Security, and Transparency Committee charter (PDF).

Our work thusfar focuses on these deliverables:

  1. Inventory of the State of Practice [Complete]

We built a catalog of current principles, policies, methods, and technologies applicable to location data privacy and anonymization.

  1. MDS Privacy Guide for Cities [Complete]

The MDS Privacy Guide is intended to help cities responsibly adopt MDS by laying out the considerations and best practices related to MDS data and personal privacy. It was authored by the voting membership of the OMF's Privacy, Security, and Transparency Committee and was approved by the OMF Board of Directors on 2020-09-15.

  1. Privacy Principles [In Progress]

We are developing a set of principles to guide the OMF as it develops tools and technologies, and to articulate the common ground among public- and private-sector users of mobility data about the need to respect and protect individual privacy. The initial focus is on audio and video in devices.

  1. GDPR Guidance [In Progress]

Guidance and Q&A for cities and companies using MDS under the European GDPR framework.

Committee Members

Voting member list for the Privacy, Security, and Transparency Committee.

Public Sector

  • Alex Demisch - San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
  • Stephanie Dock - DDOT (Washington, DC)
  • Steve Hoyt-McBeth - Portland Bureau of Transportation (co-chair)
  • Ryan Kurtzman - City of Long Beach
  • Pamela Lee - City of Los Angeles
  • Eliot Rose - Portland Metro
  • Cordell Schachter - New York City DOT
  • Matthew N.K. Smith - City of Boston
  • Matt Worona - City of Kelowna

Private Sector

  • Josh Johnson - SPIN (co-chair)
  • Harris Lummis - Automotus
  • Maggie Mobley - Lacuna
  • Irina Slavina - Blue Systems USA
  • Laurence Wilse-Samson - Bird

Meeting Notes