
CS 295 Project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mastering the Game of Sungka from Random Play

CS 295 Project for AY 2018-2019 by Darwin Bautista and Raimarc Dionido


Project Structure

  • pretrained - pretrained model weights
  • environment.py - Sungka environment implementation in OpenAI's Gym
  • model.py - PyTorch model (and derived policy) and DQN-based trainer
  • policy.py - handcrafted policies
  • train.py - training loop. Running with default parameters would recreate the results shown in the paper.
  • test.py - test code for evaluating or playing against (i.e. opponent == 'human') the trained DQN agent.
  • options.py - common options and hyperparameters
  • benchmark.sh - benchmark code for generating the data in the paper


To get the exact results shown in the paper, train the model using the default parameters:

$ python train.py --save_path results/

Every 100 training episodes, model weights will be saved in results. The final model weight would be in results/p1-09999.pth, and results/p2-09999.pth for the agent trained as player 2. The score and win rate plots would be saved as:

results/p1-test-rewards.png  (Figure 3 in the paper)
results/p1-win-rates.png     (Figure 5 in the paper)

Training hyperparameters are as follows:

 --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        batch size; default=128
  --lr LR               learning rate; default=1e-5
  --gamma GAMMA         gamma/discount factor; default=0.9
  --mem_cap MEM_CAP     memory capacity; default=2000
  --num_episodes NUM_EPISODES
                        number of episodes; default=10000
  --num_test NUM_TEST   number of test episodes; default=100
  --opp_policy OPP_POLICY
                        opponent policy during training; default=random
  --q_net_iter Q_NET_ITER
                        number of iterations before updating target; default=100


To play with the pretrained agent:

$ python test.py --load_path pretrained/p1-09999.pth --opp_policy human --render

Testing options are:

  --num_test NUM_TEST   number of test episodes; default=100
  --opp_policy OPP_POLICY
                        opponent policy during training; default=random
  --player PLAYER       player turn; default=1
  --render              render; default=False
  --pvp                 P1 weights vs P2 weights; default=False


The complete benchmark code is provided for recreating the data in Tables I, II, and III:

$ ./benchmark.sh