💯% Code coverage is useless

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All Contributors

Code Coverage is a measurement of the percentage of code lines executed during the test suite.

CodeCov Terminal


/src: https://100-code-coverage-is-useless.netlify.app/
Blog post: https://medium.com/@baumannsito/100-code-coverage-is-useless-48fcd5e0128b


npm install

Run code

npm run start

Run tests

# run tests
npm run test

# run tests & get coverage report
npm run test:coverage

Aditional Info


This material is available for private, non-commercial use under the GPL version 3. If you would like to use this material to conduct your own workshop, please contact me at @baumannzone

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Jorge Baumann

💻 📖

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!