A Sink connector to write to HBase.
This is enhanced version of implementation available at https://github.com/mravi/hbase-connect-kafka
Sink supports:
- Avro and JSON data format.
- Writing data to one or multiple column families in HBase Table
- Kafka payload field selection for each column family. In case of single column family, all columns are written to that column family. So no mapping definition is required.
- Row key selection
- Confluent 4.0
- Kafka 1.0.0
- HBase 1.4.0
- JDK 1.8
- The HBase table already exists.
- Column Families are already created in HBase table
- Each Kafka topic is mapped to a HBase table. (In version 1.0.1. implementation is changed- It requires
property to be set.)
Below are the properties that need to be passed in the configuration file:
name | data type | required | description |
zookeeper.quorum | string | yes | Zookeeper quorum of the HBase cluster |
event.parser.class | string | yes | Can be either AvroEventParser or JsonEventParser to parse avro or json events respectively. |
topics | string | yes | list of kafka topics. |
hbase.table.name | string | yes | name of hbase table |
hbase.<tablename> .rowkey.columns |
string | yes | The columns that represent the rowkey of the hbase table <tablename> |
hbase.<tablename> .family |
string | yes | Comma seperated column families of the hbase table <tablename> . It can be one or more than one |
hbase.<tablename> .<columnfamily> .columns |
string | No | Required only if more than one column family are defined in previous configuration. Column names are comma seperated`. It can be one or more than one |
Example connector.properties file
- mvn clean package
Follow the Getting started guide for HBase.
Add hbase-site.xml to hbase-sink.jar classpath
jar -uvf <hbase-sink.jar> hbase-site.xml
- Copy hbase-sink.jar and hbase-sink.properties from the project build location to
mkdir $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase
cp target/hbase-sink.jar $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase/
cp hbase-sink.properties $CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase/
- Start Zookeeper, Kafka and Schema registry
nohup $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/zookeeper-server-start $CONFLUENT_HOME/etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties &
nohup $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/kafka-server-start $CONFLUENT_HOME/etc/kafka/server.properties &
nohup $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/schema-registry-start $CONFLUENT_HOME/etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties &"
Create HBase table 'destTable' from hbase shell
Start the hbase sink
export CLASSPATH=$CONFLUENT_HOME/share/java/kafka-connect-hbase/hbase-sink.jar
$CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/connect-standalone etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-standalone.properties etc/kafka-connect-hbase/hbase-sink.properties
- Test with avro console, start the console to create the topic and write values
$CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/kafka-avro-console-producer \
--broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test \
--property value.schema='{"type":"record","name":"record","fields":[{"name":"id","type":"int"}, {"name":"name", "type": "string"}]}'
#insert at prompt
{"id": "1", "name": "foo"}
{"id": "2", "name": "bar"}
Same can be run with Apache Kafka scripts.
$KAFKA_HOME/bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/hbase-sink.properties
- For JSON data, use JSONConverter in connect-standalone.properties file. If key and value contain schema and payload, set schema.enable to
, elsefalse
Example data [with schema]:
[without schema]:
- Earlier limitation "kafka topic and table name should be same" has been removed. Table name can be set using
property - Upgraded to Kafka 2.0.0 and Confluent 5.0.0
- Initial version
- Support with Kafka 1.0.0 and Confluent 4.0.0