Your Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages
- agiltrionoIndonesia
- aliosmanyukselaliOS Yazılım ve Danışmanlığı
- amrrs
- anasjaberNextwo
- balamanoharb
- bauripalashIndia
- bluzi
- boralp
- bxioHere we spell it colour
- christophherr
- ckalegiUber
- davidlc9113
- designstormingBelgrade, Serbia
- eeTurcanu
- fanghuangAustin, TX
- francishero
- gkleinRed Hat
- gokulkrishh@epilot-dev
- goz@apple
- hachesilvaMedellín, Colombia
- kartikpandey2Delhi, India
- kimizuyVancouver, BC
- leodigiMP3Vidi + HipHopzilla + Leo Digi Interactive
- lupuslapisGermany
- markrsmith
- misterhtmlcssOpenRangeDevs + Geetr + West17Media
- nstallbaumer
- orinocoz
- schawki
- stelabourasBreakpoint Mobile
- TheHollidayInn
- theklr@GoodSamEnterprises
- theryan722United States
- VAggrippinoEast Greenbush, NY or Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
- vishnu1991India
- zopsiUSA