
Telegram bot that can be used as urgent logger at the server.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyPI Version

This package includes simple pure python telegram bot that sends logs to chat.


from logger2telegram import Logger2tlg

tlg = Logger2tlg(chat_id="123456789", bot_id="123456789:ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABC")
tlg.log("Hello world!")
  1. Create bot via bot_father bot in telegram
  2. Insert bot token to class
  3. Insert chat id to class: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32572159/9142932
  4. Create instance of logger via tlg = Logger2tlg(chat_id = "-123456789", bot_id = "BOT TOKEN FROM BOT FATHER")
  5. Send urgent logs via tlg.log("This is message")
  6. You may create multiple loggers to different chats or bots.


pip install logger2tlg