
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This directory contains all the files needed to generate the jobs for the
[jenkins-inspire.web.cern.ch] jenkins instance.

  [jenkins-inspire.web.cern.ch] https://jenkins-inspire.web.cern.ch

It's organized in directories, being the first level to separate between complete
yaml files and other files to be included inside the jobs.

The complete yaml files are inside the 'yaml' directory, and for each type of
files to be included (shell-scripts, groovy-scripts, yaml-scripts, ...) there
should be a directory with their name on that same level.

Inside the yaml dir, there will be another level separating the yamls by type,
and one dir for the jobs, job-templates and projects themselves (all that is
very likely to change to adapt the current needs)

An example of a possible layout:

   | |-myproj
   | | | -myprj_job1.yaml
   | | ...
   | |-builders
   | | |-rpm_mock_builder.yaml
   | | \-default_rpm_builder.yaml
   | ...
   |  |-cleanup_inspire.sh
   |  |-build_rpm.sh
   |  ...
   |  |-check_inspire_functional_tests.groovy
   |   ...

A recommended configuration file for inSPIRE would be something like:

    $ cat ~/.jenkinsjobsrc

**NOTE**: Make sure you are at this same level (`jobs/confs`) when running
jenkins-job builder or that you have this directory in the include patch for
the scripts (see the [openstack page] for more info).

**NOTE**: Make sure you specify the --conf option or that you have your config
at `/etc/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini`

To test:

  > jenkins-jobs -l debug --conf path/to/my/config \
  >     test -o path/for/output/dir --recursive yaml:projects

To update:

  > jenkins-jobs -l debug --conf path/to/my/config \
  >     update --recursive yaml:projects

You can also test/update just a set of jobs using glob syntax:

  > jenkins-jobs -l debug --conf path/to/my/config \
  >     update --recursive yaml:projects \
  >     inspire*master*merged

More info about jenkins job builder at the [openstack page]

    [openstack page] http://ci.openstack.org/jenkins_jobs.html

== How to verify you changes for inSPIRE CI

As of right now we don't have an easy way to do that, so you'll need the help
of someone with admin rights on jenkins (asking the maintainers or dropping a
line on infra at ovint dot org mailing list is a good start).

In any case, there is a job that will running and will show you the diffenences
you patch introduces at xml level, and you should go through them carefuly as a
first check.

=== For deleted jobs

These are the easiest to check, verifying that the diff only shows deleted jobs
is good enough to verify the patch.

NOTE: A deleted job is shown right now as one line like this:

  Only in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/jenkins_master_check-yaml_gerrit/old_xmls

where the key is the only in ... old_xmls.

=== For new jobs

For those you'll only see a similar line to the above, but it will have
new_xmls in the path instead of old_xmls. So to verify you'll need something
more, for now you con deploy those jobs manually and run them once to make sure
they behave as expected, delete them afterwards.

If it's a new project, you should also add it to the 'master branch per
project' and 'not merged per project' views so it's easy to see all the jobs
for that project.

=== For modified jobs

These are the trickiest, to check these, the current way to do it is to
manually deploy the modified job (repeat the whole process for each modified
job), run it, and revert the configuration change once you run starts, that
will avoid next triggers from using the modified config. You should also add to
the build description that it's a test with the link to the patch.

It may happen that between starting your build and reverting the config, the
job started other builds, it that case, cancel those and retrigger with the
original config.

You don't have to test all the modified jobs, just enough to make sure that the
change will not break anything (that depends a lot on the nature of the

Once that is done, verify the job and add the test runs to the comment in
gerrit (not that important though).