
An inventory demo project with Python an Django

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Inventory project with Django

An inventory demo project with Python an Django 1.9 using twitter bootstrap 3 and pagination.


  • Install Python (if you are using Linux, you already have Python installed)
  • Install Django
  • Install Pip to manage dependencies

Install these features using Pip;


I have an SQLite database. To browse and manage data, you can use sqlbrowser.

Run the server

python manage.py runserver

Now you can visit the application URL: http://localhost:8000/


Now you can access the admin area:


Create a superuser:

python manage.py createsuperuser


To run all unit test:

python manage.py test


Here are the REST calls (made with Django REST framework)

  • Items list: GET /api/v1/items/
  • Item details: GET /api/v1/items/{id}
  • Delete an item: DELETE /api/v1/items/{id}
  • Insert a new item; POST /api/v1/items/


Django deployment chelist:

  • Be sure to upload the files on your server and have Django installed on your server
  • Set debug mode to false: on settings.py simply change DEBUG = False
  • Check every kind of tests (unit tests and functional tests etc.)


Some next steps about practicing web development with Python and Django:

  • Switch to MySQL and use joins (with a category table for example)
  • Admin area with many-to-many data relationships
  • Admin area template customization
  • Database tree structure with parent child relationship