
Transform arbitrary JSON using a JSON map. Works on existing gulp-etl Message Stream JSON, or converts to/from a Message Stream

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This plugin transforms JSON as part of gulp-etl. Since JSON is a core part of the gulp-etl ecosystem, working with JSON is a pivotal task and this plugin is an important one with lots of capabilities and options.

This is a gulp-etl plugin, and as such it is a gulp plugin. gulp-etl plugins work with ndjson data streams/files which we call Message Streams and which are compliant with the Singer specification. In the gulp-etl ecosystem, taps tap into an outside format or system (in this case, a JSON file) and convert their contents/output to a Message Stream, and targets convert/output Message Streams to an outside format or system. In this way, these modules can be stacked to convert from one format or system to another, either directly or with transformations or other parsing in between. Message Streams look like this:

{"type": "SCHEMA", "stream": "users", "key_properties": ["id"], "schema": {"required": ["id"], "type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "integer"}}}}
{"type": "RECORD", "stream": "users", "record": {"id": 1, "name": "Chris"}}
{"type": "RECORD", "stream": "users", "record": {"id": 2, "name": "Mike"}}
{"type": "SCHEMA", "stream": "locations", "key_properties": ["id"], "schema": {"required": ["id"], "type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "integer"}}}}
{"type": "RECORD", "stream": "locations", "record": {"id": 1, "name": "Philadelphia"}}
{"type": "STATE", "value": {"users": 2, "locations": 1}}


gulp-etl plugins accept a configObj as the first parameter; it will contain any info the plugin needs. configObj properties:

  • map = {} : acts as a "recipe" for creating new object/array using an inputObj as the source
  • changeMap : boolean = true if true (default), map will change the incoming object; if false, the result of the map operation will replace the incoming object
  • mapFullStreamObj : boolean = false if false (default), map will always apply to the record object on each line. if true, modes which receive a Message Stream (target and transform) will map against the full Message Stream object instead of just the record portion


Message Stream:
{"type": "RECORD", "stream": "users", "record": {"id": 1, "name": "Chris", "lastName": "Smith"}}
{"type": "RECORD", "stream": "users", "record": {"id": 2, "name": "Mike", "lastName": "Brown"}}
.pipe(transformJson.target({"Full Name": "{{lastName}}, {{name}}", changeMap:false}))

/* result
  {"Full Name": "Smith, Chris"},
  {"Full Name": "Brown, Mike"}


This plugin has the functionality of tap-json, target-json and transform-json.

Transform-json takes in two JSON format/file, one is a source JSON and another is template/map JSON. The template/map JSON describes the rules of how you want your JSON to be formatted. The plugin takes a source JSON and then converts to a different JSON using "qewd-transfrom-json". For more info check this link "https://www.npmjs.com/package/qewd-transform-json".

Tap-json takes in two JSON format/file, one is a source JSON and another is template/map JSON. Both the files are passed to transform-json which gives us mapped JSON file. This JSON file is then converted to a message stream(ndjson) in tap-json.

Target-json takes in ndjson format/file as a source file and another template/map JSON. The plugin converts ndjson to json before passing the files to transform-json. Finally, we get mapped JSON from transform-json.


The JSON format files can be of different content, they may be just an object, instance of array containing object, or array of objects. The transformation specifically looks into four different cases the user might run into. These cases are described below: (although target-json takes in .ndjson as source it is transformed to JSON before passing to transformer)

  1. The source JSON contains only one object and the template/map JSON also contains one object.
  2. The source JSON contains only one object but the template/map JSON contains array of object.
  3. The source JSON is an array of object and template/map JSON is also an array of object. The "qewd-transform-stream" takes only objects. Therefore, when the input object is in the form of array of objects it is wrapped around rootarray object. For eg: rootarray{ [ { },{ },... ] }
  4. The source JSON is an array of object but template/map JSON contains one object. The "qewd-transform-stream" takes only objects. Therefore, when the input object is in the form of array of objects it is wrapped around rootarray object. For eg: rootarray{ [ { },{ },... ] }
Sample gulpfile.js
// tap-json maps all .JSON files in a folder into Message Stream files in a different folder 
// transform-json maps all .ndjson files in a folder into JSON files in a different folder 
// tap-json maps all .JSON files in a folder into JSON files in a different folder 

let gulp = require('gulp')
var rename = require('gulp-rename')
var tapJson = require('gulp-etl-transform-json').tapJson //change .tapJson to .targetJson to use target-json and .transformJson to use transform-json
var maps = require('../testdata/maps/map-oneobject.json');//make sure you are using right map

var mergeOriginal = false;//if you want your final object as an original object but with only the differences change to 'true'

function runTapJson(callback: any) {
  log.info('gulp task starting for ' + PLUGIN_NAME)

  return gulp.src('../testdata/tests/test-oneobject.json',{buffer: true}) //change the source fromat to .ndjson for target-json
    .pipe(errorHandler(function(err:any) {
      log.error('Error: ' + err)
    .on('data', function (file:Vinyl) {
      log.info('Starting processing on ' + file.basename)
    .pipe(tapJson(map:maps, changeMap:mergeOriginal))
      extname: ".ndjson",
    .on('data', function (file:Vinyl) {
      log.info('Finished processing on ' + file.basename)
    .on('end', function () {
      log.info('gulp task complete')


Quick Start for Coding on This Plugin

  • Dependencies:
    • git
    • nodejs - At least v6.3 (6.9 for Windows) required for TypeScript debugging
    • npm (installs with Node)
    • typescript - installed as a development dependency
  • Clone this repo and run npm install to install npm packages
  • Debug: with VScode use Open Folder to open the project folder, then hit F5 to debug. This runs without compiling to javascript using ts-node
  • Test: npm test or npm t
  • Compile to javascript: npm run build


We are using Jest for our testing. Each of our tests are in the test folder.

  • Run npm test to run the test suites

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