
A two-player dice game of danger and intrigue

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • Player can roll a six-sided dice and the result is returned Sample Input: Click the roll button Sample Output: 5

  • The player's roll score gets added to a temporary score Sample Input: 4 Sample Output: Player Score: 4 (plus what was already there)

  • The player's score gets reset if they roll a one Sample Input: 1 Sample Output: Player Score: 0

  • The player can hold their score, ending their turn and adding their temporary score to their permanent score. Sample Input: Hold button is clicked Sample Output: Permanent Score gets the temporary score added to it.

  • The player can reset the game. Sample Input: Reset button is clicked Sample Output: Score becomes 0

  • A turn count increases by 1 every time the player holds or rolls a 1. Sample Input: Player rolls a 1 Sample Output: Turn count increases by 1.

  • The game keeps two total score tallies; one is altered on odd turns (Player 1), the other altered on even turns (Player 2). Sample Input: Turn count is 2 and the player holds. Sample Output: Temporary score is added to Player 2's game score.

  • Allow a user-defined number of players to play. Sample Input: 4 players Sample Output: Player 1, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4

  • Prompt the user for player names. Sample Input: Charlie Sample Output: Player 1 is Charlie

  • Ask the user how many AI players they want to play against. Sample Input: 2 Sample Output: 2 Players added to turn rotation with "computer" as species.

  • Create a button that rolls for AI players. Sample Input: AI Roll button is clicked Sample Output: 5, added to AI's total

  • Create an AI that will roll twice on its turn, with the result going to the AI's score. Sample Input: Turn goes to an AI players Sample Output: The AI rolled a 3 and a 4 for a total of 7.

  • At the end of the game, give the player the option to start the game over with same settings as the game they just finished. Sample Input: Same Players button is clicked. Sample Output: The same list of players is used.