
Prototype implementation of MIX (hybrid type-checking/symbolic execution engine)

Primary LanguageOCaml

MIX prototype

A prototype OCaml implementation of the hybrid symbolic execution/type checking system MIX.

Building MIX

The easiest method of installating mix_proto is using opam. With opam installed on your system, the following commands should install build dependencies, compile the mix_proto executable, and install the executable in your PATH:

  • opam pin add mix_proto https://github.com/baxtersa/mix_proto.git

    This adds the mix_proto repository to opam's search path for OPAM packages. It may automatically prompt you to install the package.

  • If pinning the repository does not install the package automatically, simply run

    opam install mix_proto

Running MIX

mix_proto has a runtime dependency on a z3 executable being installed on your system. z3 can easily be installed using brew on OSX or apt-get on Ubuntu.

With z3 and the mix_proto executable installed, you can run mix_proto from the command line to perform its analysis on a file.

Command Line Options

For information on command line usage:

  • -h lists command line options.
  • -z3 </path/to/z3> (optional) uses the installation of z3 at the path provided. By default, mix_proto searches for z3 in your system PATH. This can be passed the z3 shell script provided in the root of this repository to log mix_proto's communication with z3 to a file.

One of the following two options is required:

  • -sym <path/to/code> begins the analysis on the file provided under symbolic evaluation.
  • -typ <path/to/code> begins the analysis on the file provided under the type checker.

MIX Syntax

expr ::= x | val
  | expr op expr
  | not expr
  | if expr then expr else expr
  | let x = expr in expr
  | fun (x : t) -> expr
  | expr expr
  | MIX(typed) { expr }
  | MIX(symbolic) { expr }
val ::= n | true | false

op ::= + | / | == | && | ||

Known Issues

There are a few quirks with my implementation, as well as issues with the formalism/examples given in the paper.

  • Symbolic execution of division doesn't perform arithmetic, so expressions like 7 / (1 / 2) aren't recognized as division by 0.

  • I left out mutable and null-valued references from my implementation because it leads to additional complications I don't have time to implement, and they alone don't produce very useful examples.

  • Functions and Application are left out of the formalism of symbolic execution in the paper -.-

    So I'm a little grumpy about this because all of their meaningful examples use both language features. I assumed I would be able to do something reasonable and come up with my own semantics without deciphering their prototype implementation for much more complex functions/application in C, and I think I did reasonably well with it, but it's certainly not perfect.

  • There's some issues with a naive implementation of their mixing rules that are a little complicated, but I can go into detail if you're interested.