
Fuel database Java app featuring data parsing from web

Primary LanguageJavaScript

natankuj - custom fuel prices database with prices parsed from natankuj.sme.sk
implemented as school project - first usage of relational database later also with usage of ORM and WildFly application server

currently split into 3 branches:

  1. master - first iteration - focused on parsing + ORM (Hibernate). NetBeans project!
  2. elastic - second iteration - experimenting with ElasticSearch NoSQL database in order to provide users with autocomplete text fields. NetBeans project!
  3. j2e - third iteration - basically remastered and tweaked first iteration. Application in this version is running on the application server (WildFly 10) and is divided into separate client/server/API parts. Added features like PDF export, separate threads for data parsing, logging (log4j) and multilanguage support. Eclipse EE project!

Screenshots from j2e branch:
project_main_screen project_main_screen