
Triton organize messages into topics. Easy to track events of LFG, gold raid or others you interested. / Triton 消息主题插件,可以很方便地关注金团,关注副本组团信息或者其它感兴趣的话题。

Primary LanguageLua


Track only messages you care, must-have for LFG. Triton, a WoW addon organizes messages into topics for you to track events of LFG, gold raid and others you may interested.

Chat messages in WoW were messy and spammed. Trying to find something you interested in fast scrolling chat message is challenging.

Triton organize chat messages into topics by:

  1. Filter out messages you interested by keywords
  2. Organize the message into topics by tracking sender and event words (keywords)
  3. Refresh the topics once sender send new messages with same topic

Simple and clear.

Using keywords
  • Multiple keywords can be separated by comma (,)
  • Using & as 'and' operator
  • Using - as 'not' operator
  • Special class keywords: class:warlock = warlock, class:mage = mage, etc
  • Message, sender's name and class can be used in search
  • Blizzard item link keyword can be used in search.
  • bwl: accept messages which contain bwl
  • -class:warlock&-summon: not accept messages contain 'summon' by warlock
  • bwl,mc,ony: accept messages contain one of the words of: bwl, mc and ony
  • bwl&lfg: accept messages with both bwl and lfg contained
  • Hitem: search item link in messages
  • Message live time: Set max time for topics to be alive in window

  • Font size: Windows font size

  • Refresh interval: Time interval for window to refresh

Support blacklist of Global Ignore List

Global Ignore List is a great addon to block spam messages. Triton rejects messages sent by players in blacklist of Global Ignore List.


Thanks to authors of Global Ignore List, CChatNotifier and an unknown author who revised CChatNotifier to support and/or operators.

How to use:

Triton support both retail and classic of WoW. But not fully tested on retail version.

Click the minimap Tricon icon or using slash command /triton to open the message window.


Triton@匕首岭, 2020





  1. 通过关键字滤出需要的信息;
  2. 以发送人和关键字做主题,将消息归纳到主题下;
  3. 当收到同样主题的消息,刷新主题对应的信息。


  • 多关键字用逗号隔开
  • 用&连接多个要包含的关键字
  • 将-放在关键字前表示滤掉含有此关键字的消息
  • 支持特殊的职业关键字,如:class:warlock = 术士, class:mage = 法师, 等等
  • 消息本身、玩家名字和职业可用于关键字搜索中
  • Blizzard 的消息内链接关键字可也用于搜索中
  • bwl:接收含有bwl的消息
  • -class:warlock&-飞机:拒绝术士发的含有飞机的消息
  • bwl,mc,黑龙:接收含有bwl、mc、黑龙任意一个关键字的消息
  • bwl&金团:接收含有bwl及金团的消息
  • Hitem: 搜索含有物品链接的消息
  • 消息留存时长:窗口的主题最长留存时间

  • 字体大小:窗口主题显示字体大小

  • 更新频率:窗口的主题刷新频率

支持 Global Ignore List

Global Ignore List 是非常好用的黑名单及过滤消息的插件。Triton支持 Global Ignore List 的黑名单,如果从这些黑名单发来的消息将会被拒绝。


感谢 Global Ignore List, CChatNotifier 和一位不知名的 CChatNotifier 修改版的作者。


Triton 支持怀旧服和正式服。不过正式服上没有经过完全测试。

点击Minimap的图标或者使用 /triton 命令即可打开消息窗口


Triton@匕首岭, 2020

MIT License

You may freely modify or distribute the code of Triton.