
`goverview` provides an overview as ASCII tree for a Golang project

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Reference

goverview provides an overview as ASCII tree for a Golang project.


$ goverview ~/go/src/github.com/bayashi/goverview

┌ goverview/
├─┬ .github/
│ └─┬ workflows/
│   └── run-tests.yaml
├── .gitignore
├── LICENSE: License MIT
├── README.md
├──* arg.go: main
├──* builder.go: main
├──* cmd.go: main
├─┬ fileinfo/
│ ├──* fileinfo.go: fileinfo
│ │     Struct: FileInfo
│ ├──* go.go: fileinfo
│ │     Func: GoInfo
│ ├──* gomod.go: fileinfo
│ │     Func: GoModInfo
│ └──* license.go: fileinfo
│       Func: LicenseInfo
├── go.mod: go 1.19
├── go.sum
└──* main.go: main

You can see also private stuff with -a option.

$ goverview ~/go/src/github.com/bayashi/goverview -a

┌ goverview/
├─┬ .github/
│ └─┬ workflows/
│   └── run-tests.yaml
├── .gitignore
├── LICENSE: License MIT
├── README.md
├──* arg.go: main
│     struct: options
│     func: parseArgs
├──* builder.go: main
│     struct: walkerArgs
│     func: fromLocal, validateDirPath, buildTree, isSkipPath, walkProcess, getFileInfo
├──* cmd.go: main
│     func: putErr, putUsage, putHelp
├─┬ fileinfo/
│ ├──* fileinfo.go: fileinfo
│ │     Struct: FileInfo
│ ├──* go.go: fileinfo
│ │     struct: organizer
│ │     Func: GoInfo
│ │     func: goInfoProcessIdent, buildDescriptions
│ ├──* gomod.go: fileinfo
│ │     Func: GoModInfo
│ └──* license.go: fileinfo
│       Func: LicenseInfo
├── go.mod: go 1.19
├── go.sum
└──* main.go: main
      func: main, run

Full options:

Usage: goverview [OPTIONS] DIR
  -h, --help                 Show help (This message) and exit
  -t, --hide-test            Hide contents of test files
      --ignore stringArray   Ignore path to show if a given string would match
  -a, --show-all             Show all stuff
  -v, --version              Show version and build info and exit


homebrew install

If you are using Mac:

brew tap bayashi/tap
brew install bayashi/tap/goverview

binary install

Download binary from here: https://github.com/bayashi/goverview/releases

go install

If you have golang envvironment:

go install github.com/bayashi/goverview@latest


MIT License


Dai Okabayashi: https://github.com/bayashi