
Refreshing an API Token with Angular 2

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Refreshing an API Token with Angular 2

Problem Statement

When using Angular 2 Typescript, the angular services may need to acquire access tokens in order to call back end services. Those tokens may expire and need to be refreshed. A mechanism is need to detect a 401 api response and trigger the renewal of the access token.

Solution Scope

All clients that call APIs with a token with a validity period will have this problem.


While Angular has a concept of a http interceptor it appears this is not yet available for Angular 2 (described here ).


Simplest Approach

The simples approach taken is to assume that there is a service which retrieves a valid token (the TokenService) and as well as a service that retrieves the api data (the APIService).

When the APIService makes and invocation , code is added to catch the exception (specifically a 401) and in the exception handler we retrieve a new token and then re-submit the APIService request.

While this works it does require each instance of an APIService to be coded correctly...something not likely to be done consistently if there are more than a couple api clients. Not ideal.

Second Approach

Another approach is to implement a 'filter' service which would wrap the call to the API Service. This would remove the 401 handler code into a service which would be reusable.

This would have the drawback that the developer of the component needs to know of the filter service and the problem of token refresh. Not ideal.

Third approach (implemented on master branch)

Another approach is to provide a wrapper around the http service that has the desired behaviour.

Instead of an angular2 Http being injected into the service, a APIClientService is injected.

This client has the same interface as Http namely get/post methods matching the functionality of angular HTTP. However these versions handle the 401 and redo the operations when invoked.

About running this code

The angular applications uses the mockserver(http://www.mock-server.com/) to simulate a back end application with authentication.

  • Start the mockserver.sh
  • Then load the mock responses into the mock server with node create-mock-401.js
  • Then run the application with npm start

In the onit method of the app.component.ts there is a call to the APIService. This kicks off the api request which returns a 401 because the token is the 'expired' token and then there is a request to retrieve a valid token before the APIService is successfully invoked to return some data displayed in the view.