Companion webpage for the book "Bayesian Optimization" by Roman Garnett
- 1
Reproducing figure
#52 opened by thierrymoudiki - 3
Add some preliminary information for Chapter 8
#54 opened by mjzhu-p - 6
- 1
Notation of $\phi$ in Chapter 8
#53 opened by mjzhu-p - 2
Clarify sample continuity theorem
#48 opened by chrisyeh96 - 2
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Typo p. 229
#50 opened by chrisyeh96 - 2
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Simple regret upper bounded by average regret
#49 opened by chrisyeh96 - 2
More detailed explanations or suggested references for 'Bayesian inference of the objective function'
#46 opened by mjzhu-p - 3
- 2
Typo (p.17)
#43 opened by chrisyeh96 - 4
Add datasets for replication
#38 opened by NathanielF - 1
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Minor typo? "generalized" adversarial network
#41 opened by ltiao - 3
Referencing causal BO in section 11.9
#25 opened by neildhir - 1
Figure 11.17
#39 opened by euphoria0-0 - 3
Add reference
#40 opened by euphoria0-0 - 2
PDF compiled for screen reading
#16 opened by david-vicente - 1
- 4
Rollout time complexity
#35 opened by jackliu333 - 1
Typo (P. 125)
#36 opened by Ryan-Rhys - 16
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Typo (p.204)
#33 opened by Jiangyan-Zhao - 1
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Clarify the difference between EI and KG
#32 opened by xiaoweiz - 2
Missing label for x_4 in figure 11.11
#24 opened by neildhir - 1
Figure 8.10 is not explicitly cited.
#30 opened by Jiangyan-Zhao - 1
Typo (P. 177)
#29 opened by Jiangyan-Zhao - 1
Typo (P. 143)
#28 opened by Jiangyan-Zhao - 1
Typo (p. 116)
#26 opened by Jiangyan-Zhao - 1
It would be better if it were stated in a way that maximizes PI on page 171
#31 opened by Jiangyan-Zhao - 3
Introduction - formalization of optimization: What is meant by "mathematical optimization"?
#27 opened by SimonKruse0 - 2
Typo in bibliographic reference
#23 opened by rafaol - 1
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Typo pg 48
#21 opened by cgoble001 - 1
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Exercises for the textbook chapters?
#18 opened by asp2204 - 7
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Small nit: missing space after comma
#17 opened by EugenHotaj - 8
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Links in the preface are incorrect
#15 opened by ScriptDevil - 2
Scalarization Reference
#7 opened by qiuyiz - 3
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Missing word(s)
#14 opened by ale-gb - 8
Updated posterior mean incorrect or unclear
#13 opened by kiudee - 1
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#8 opened by chaos-and-patterns - 1