
Orange Sms Ruby is a client library that allow you to send sms from a RoR app using the Orange Sms API https://developer.orange.com/apis/sms-sn/overview

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version Build Status Coverage

Orange Sms Ruby is a client library that allow you to send sms from a RoR app using the Orange Sms API


This gem is not an official client of Orange, in order to use the client you need to create a Orange Sms API and to register an app in the developer dashboard that orange provide to you. After registering your app you can ask for sms integration approval (this process can take time :)). The registration process is detailed here


Instead of reading and trying to understand once again how the Orange Sms API work this gem aims to let you quickly send sms from a ruby app (mainly RoR) using the Orange Sms API.

# default receiver country is Senegal (:sen)
client = OrangeSms::Client.new
client.send_sms('776879809', 'Simple comme bonjour !')
# Or specify the country code when sending
client = OrangeSms::Client.new(:civ) # Ivory coast code
client.send_sms('776879809', 'Simple comme bonjour !')

Getting Started


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'orange_sms'

Then run bundle install

Next, you need to run the generator:

rails generate orange_sms:install

The generator will create an initializer file /config/initializers/orange_sms.rb. You can setup, your app information there.

OrangeSms.setup do |config|
  # Sender Name
  # config.sender_name = 'GITHUB'
  config.sender_name = 'put your coporate name here'

  # Sender Phone
  config.sender_phone = 'put your phone number here'

  # Sender country code. Follow ISO-3166 alpha 3 country codes. Default country value is :sen (Senegal)
  # You can find supported countries by Orange Api in the folllowing link https://developer.orange.com/apis/sms-sn/getting-started
  # config.sender_country_code = :sen

  # Follow ISO-3166 alpha 3 country codes. Default country value is :sen (Senegal)
  # Use the country code of your receivers. You can find supported countries by Orange Api in the folllowing link https://developer.orange.com/apis/sms-sn/getting-started
  # config.default_receiver_country_code = :sen

  # Authorization Header you can find the Authorization header in your app dashboard https://developer.orange.com/myapps
  config.authorization = 'put your Authorization Header here !' 

  # Generate the access token with the interactive console
  # --> client = OrangeSms::Client.new
  # --> client.fetch_access_token => 'CeppeLvEUgWK4o0r2WW2IzBrMQEn'
  config.access_token = 'put your access_token here !'

Generate Access token

in order to fetch the access token you need first to get the Authorization header from your Orange developer dashboard and to add it to your configuration file

config.authorization = 'Basic NktSSHljksdj7P...Jjndb6UdnlrT2lOaA==' 

You can now get your access token using the rails console. Run in your terminal rails console and next

client = OrangeSms::Client.new
client.fetch_access_token ==> i6m2iIcY0SodWSe...L3ojAXXrH

Copy it and paste it into your initializer file, and add it to the initializer file /config/initializers/orange_sms.rb

config.access_token = 'i6m2iIcY0SodWSe...L3ojAXXrH' # You may use ENV variables

⚠️ The access token will last 7776000 seconds, i.e. 90 days. After this period, you'll get an error and should request another token.

Test it 😎

you can test the integration in the rails console, open up the console rails console next run the code down below

# default receiver country is Senegal (:sen)
client = OrangeSms::Client.new
client.send_test_sms # Will send sms to the sender_phone that you have specified inside `/config/initializers/orange_sms.rb`.

Send Sms

# default receiver country is Senegal (:sen)
client = OrangeSms::Client.new
client.send_sms('776879809', 'Simple comme bonjour !')
# Or specify the country code when sending
client = OrangeSms::Client.new(:civ) # Ivory coast code
client.send_sms('776879809', 'Simple comme bonjour !')

Handling Errors

  client = OrangeSms::Client.new
  client.send_sms('776879809', 'Simple comme bonjour !')
rescue OrangeSms::Error::ApiError => e
  puts e.message


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/bayevels/orange_sms.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.