
My preferred git aliases

Primary LanguageShell


My preferred git aliases




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Git Flow

I love git-flow, but the utility requires that you type long commands like git flow feature add <new-feature>. This is too much typing.

Start Feature
git fs <feature-name>
Finish Feature
git ff


git ff <feature-name>
Rebase a Feature

To interactively rebase a feature branch before merging it. Make sure you are in the branch you want to rebase

git rbd
Start Release
git rs <release-name>
Finish Release
git rf <release-name>
Rebase a Release

To interactively rebase a release branch before merging it. Make sure you are in the branch you want to rebase

git rbd
Start Hotfix
git hfs <hotfix-name>
Finish Hotfix
git hff <hotfix-name>
Rebase a Hotfix

To interactively rebase a hotfix branch before merging it. Make sure you are in the branch you want to rebase

git rbm

General Git

Delete all merged branches

This will remove all merged branches that are not master or develop

git cleanup
git com
git co
Log One Line
git logo
Log Just The Commits on your Feature Branch
git logf
Log Just The Commits on your Feature Branch One Line
git logfo
Update the last commit to be timestamped to now
git touch
Update the last commit to be authored by you and timestamped to now
git plagiarise
List tags in order they were created
git tago
Remove files that were committed but are not in .gitignore
git reignore

Here I have shortened or combined commands that I type all the time.

alias command
git cm
git add -A
git commit
git pall
git push origin --all
git push origin --tags