
Script to track updates on web resources (mainly JS files or whole HTML pages).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Resource Difference Checker

The idea is to track updates made to resource avaialable on the web. Expected are JS files or whole HTML pages as jsbeautifier (https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify) is run on the compared contents. Resources are stored in a sqlite3 DB. A HTML report is generated for all processed URLs.


The are two important python scripts initialize.py and diffcheck.py. The first takes a list of domains (see example resources.txt) and creates a initial DB. The latter mentioned is ment to be scheduled to run once a day and works with a DB created by initialize.py.

usage: initialize.py [-h] [-l LOGFILE] urls output_db
usage: diffcheck.py [-h] [-l LOGFILE] db report_dir
$ cat resources.txt
# Comments are ignored


$ python3.6 -m pip install jsbeautifier
$ git clone https://github.com/bayotop/resdiffcheck
$ cd resdiffcheck/resdiffcheck
$ python3.6 initialize.py resources.txt data/resources.db
$ crontab -e 

0 23 * * * python3.6 ~/resdiffcheck/resdiffcheck/diffcheck.py ~/resdiffcheck/resdiffcheck/data/resources.db ~/public_html/resdiffcheck/reports