
Primary LanguageSourcePawnGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Improved version of zombiereloaded plugin with support for CS:GO and CS:S

  • This plugin is an updated version of Powerlord MapChooser Extended plugin, under a new author.

  • Test & Compile, SouceMod 1.10.0-6490

  • Sorry for my English.


MapChooser Extended is the SourceMod Mapchooser with the following new features:

  • Players are warned before the vote (by countdown)
  • Optional Sounds for vote start, end, countdown start, and countdown ticks
  • Custom maps are marked on the vote menu*
  • You can block slots in vote menu
  • Additional vote when none of the maps receive the minimum required number of votes
  • Percentage calculation when to start voting
  • Configuration of the number of player min/max per map and Cooldown (addons\sourcemod\configs\mapchooser_extended.cfg)

Server ConVars

MapChooser Extended:

  • mce_endvote - Specifies if MapChooser should run an end of map vote.
  • mce_starttime - Specifies when to start the vote based on time remaining.
  • mce_startround - Specifies when to start the vote based on rounds remaining. Use 0 on DoD:S, CS:S, and TF2 to start vote during bonus round time.
  • mce_startfrags - Specifies when to start the vote base on frags remaining.
  • mce_extend_timestep - Specifies how much many more minutes each extension makes.
  • mce_extend_roundstep - Specifies how many more rounds each extension makes.
  • mce_extend_fragstep - Specifies how many more frags are allowed when map is extended.
  • mce_exclude - Specifies how many past maps to exclude from the vote.
  • mce_include - Specifies how many maps to include in the vote.
  • mce_novote - Specifies whether or not MapChooser should pick a map if no votes are received.
  • mce_extend - Number of extensions allowed each map.
  • mce_dontchange - Specifies if a 'Don't Change' option should be added to early votes.
  • mce_voteduration - Specifies how long the mapvote should be available for.
  • mce_version - MapChooser Extended Version.
  • mce_runoff - Hold run off votes if winning choice has less than a certain percentage of votes.
  • mce_runoffpercent - If winning choice has less than this percent of votes, hold a runoff.
  • mce_blockslots - Block slots to prevent accidental votes. Only applies when Voice Command style menus are in use.
  • mce_blockslots_count - Number of slots to block.
  • mce_maxrunoffs - Number of run off votes allowed each map.
  • mce_start_percent - Specifies when to start the vote based on percents.
  • mce_start_percent_enable - Enable or Disable percentage calculations when to start vote.
  • mce_warningtime - Warning time in seconds.
  • mce_runoffvotewarningtime - Warning time for runoff vote in seconds.
  • mce_menustyle - Menu Style. 0 is the game's default, 1 is the older Valve style that requires you to press Escape to see the menu, 2 is the newer 1-9 button Voice Command style, unavailable in some games. Ignored on TF2 if NativeVotes Plugin is loaded.
  • mce_warningtimerlocation - Location for the warning timer text. 0 is HintBox, 1 is Center text, 2 is Chat. Defaults to HintBox.
  • mce_markcustommaps - Mark custom maps in the vote list. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Mark with *, 2 = Mark with phrase.
  • mce_extendposition - Position of Extend/Don't Change options. 0 = at end, 1 = at start.
  • mce_randomizeorder - Randomize map order?
  • mce_hidetimer - Hide the MapChooser Extended warning timer.
  • mce_addnovote - Add "No Vote" to vote menu? -- Admin --
  • mce_reload_maplist - mce_reload_maplist - Reload the Official Maplist file.
  • sm_mapvote - sm_mapvote - Forces MapChooser to attempt to run a map vote now.
  • sm_setnextmap - sm_setnextmap

MapChooser Extended Sounds:

  • mce_sounds_enablesounds - Enable this plugin. Sounds will still be downloaded (if applicable) even if the plugin is disabled this way.
  • mce_sounds_enablewarningcountersounds - Enable sounds to be played during warning counter. If this is disabled, map vote warning, start, and stop sounds still play.
  • mce_sounds_soundset - Sound set to use, optimized for hl1 by default. Sound sets are defined in addons/sourcemod/configs/mapchooser_extended_sounds.cfg. Takes effect immediately if sm_mapvote_downloadallsounds is 1, otherwise at map change.
  • mce_sounds_downloadallsounds - Force players to download all sound sets, so sets can be dynamically changed during the map. Defaults to off. Takes effect at map change.
  • mce_sounds_version - Mapchooser Extended Sounds Version -- Admin --
  • mce_sounds_reload - Reload Mapchooser Sound configuration file.
  • sm_mapvote_reload_sounds - Deprecated: use mce_sounds_reload.
  • mce_sounds_list_soundsets - List available Mapchooser Extended sound sets.
  • sm_mapvote_list_soundsets - Deprecated: use mce_sounds_list_soundsets.

MapChooser Nominations Extended:

  • sm_nominate_excludeold - Specifies if the current map should be excluded from the Nominations list.
  • sm_nominate_excludecurrent - Specifies if the MapChooser excluded maps should also be excluded from Nominations.
  • sm_nominate_initialdelay - Time in seconds before first Nomination can be made.
  • sm_nominate_delay - Delay between nominations. -- Commands --
  • sm_nominate
  • sm_nomlist -- Admin --
  • sm_nominate_addmap - sm_nominate_addmap - Forces a map to be on the next mapvote.
  • sm_nominate_removemap - sm_nominate_removemap - Removes a map from Nominations.
  • sm_nominate_exclude - sm_nominate_exclude [cooldown] - Forces a map to be inserted into the recently played maps. Effectively blocking the map from being nominated.

MapChooser Rockthevote Extended:

  • sm_rtv_needed - Percentage of players needed to rockthevote (Def 60%).
  • sm_rtv_minplayers - Number of players required before RTV will be enabled.
  • sm_rtv_initialdelay - Time (in seconds) before first RTV can be held.
  • sm_rtv_interval - Time (in seconds) after a failed RTV before another can be held.
  • sm_rtv_changetime - When to change the map after a succesful RTV: 0 - Instant, 1 - RoundEnd, 2 - MapEnd.
  • sm_rtv_postvoteaction - What to do with RTV's after a mapvote has completed. 0 - Allow, success = instant change, 1 - Deny. -- Commands --
  • sm_rtv -- Admin --
  • sm_forcertv - Force an RTV vote.
  • sm_disablertv - Disable the RTV command.
  • sm_enablertv - Enable the RTV command.
  • sm_playersrtv - Count Players Online in Game.

Mapchooser Extended Create .cfg:

Standard configuration file creation file for those who have a lot of maps. You can disable it after creating the files.

-- Admin --

  • sm_mcecreatecfg - Usage: sm_mcecreatecfg . Exemple prefix ze zm.

For Plugin Developers - Mapchooser Extended Forwards:

  • OnMapVoteStarted(const String:map[]) - Called at the start of a map vote, part of MapChooser
  • OnMapVoteEnd() - Called at the end of a map vote
  • OnMapVoteWarningStart() - Called 1 second before the warning timer starts ticking
  • OnMapVoteRunnoffWarningStart() - Called 1 second before the runoff warning timer starts ticking.
  • OnMapVoteWarningTick(timeLeft) - Called once a second as long as the warning timer is running. timeLeft is the number of seconds left on the timer.


  • SM Devs
  • Zerak
  • Zuko
  • Powerlord
  • Anúbis edition
  • Sammit92 (Russian translation)
  • DaRk56 (old French translation)
  • Arcy (Polish translation)
  • Sunshisoo (Italian translation)
  • banania (French translation)
  • Franc1sco (Spanish translation)
  • Minoost (Korean translation)
  • RoaR (Serbian translation)
  • Floody (German translation)
  • Yalamix (Portuguese translation)

lugins that work with MapChooser Extended:

  • NativeVotes
  • SourceMod NextMap
  • SourceMod RockTheVote
  • SourceMod Nominations
  • MapChooser Extended Sounds
  • RockTheVote Extended
  • Nominations Extended