
A framework that uses gRPC like gin

Primary LanguageGo


A framework that uses gRPC like gin

Getting started


Getting Gin-gRPC

With Go module support, simply add the following import

import "github.com/baytan0720/gin-grpc"

to your code, and then go [build|run|test] will automatically fetch the necessary dependencies.

Otherwise, run the following Go command to install the gin-grpc package:

$ go get -u github.com/baytan0720/gin-grpc

Running Gin-gRPC

First you need to create a proto file, one simplest example likes the follow example/hello.proto:

syntax = "proto3";

package proto;
option go_package="./proto";

message PingReq {
  string id = 1;

message PongRes {
  int32 status = 1;

service Hello {
  rpc Ping(PingReq) returns (PongRes);

Then you need to generate the code by using protoc command:

$ protoc -I . hello.proto --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=.

Or use script example/mk-proto.sh:

$ sh mk-proto.sh

Next you need to create a go file to code, one example likes the follow example/main.go:

package main

import (

	gin "github.com/baytan0720/gin-grpc"

type Server struct {

func main() {
	e := gin.Default(&Server{})
	proto.RegisterHelloServer(e, e.Srv.(*Server))


	e.Handle("Ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
		var req *proto.PingReq
		fmt.Printf("ID: %s\n", req.Id)
		fmt.Printf("ID: %s\n", c.GetString("Id"))
		fmt.Printf("ID: %s\n", c.Req.GetField("Id"))
			Status: 1,

		// another way to response:
		//c.ResponseField("Status", 1)
		//	"Status": 1,

	e.Run() // listen and serve on 8080

func (s *Server) Ping(ctx context.Context, req *proto.PingReq) (*proto.PongRes, error) {
	// You can also use this function to handle the request, it will be called first.
	return &proto.PongRes{}, nil

You just need to define a struct and implement the interface proto.HelloServer without any logic.

Then use gin.Default() to create a Gin-gRPC engine and must call proto.RegisterHelloServer() to register the server.

Now you can use e.Handle() to handle the rpc, the first parameter is the method name, the second parameter is the handler function.

Finally, use the Go command to run the demo:

$ go run main.go
[GIN-GRPC debug] Environment variable PORT is undefined. Using port :8080 by default
[GIN-GRPC debug] Listening and serving RPC on :8080
[GIN-GRPC debug] Ping                      --> main.main.func1 (3 handlers)

You can use any api tools to test the rpc or make a client to call rpc.


We encourage you to contribute to Gin-gRPC!