
Go implements distributed storage system


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With the understanding of the distributed system, I decided to refactor this project.

If possible, I want to build a general storage product, including K-V storage service, file storage service and object storage service. Based on K-V storage services, and gradually build other services.


Before that, let's learn some concepts.

MetaServer: It is used to store the metadata of the file system and schedule the system, including directory trees, configurations, logs, etc.

ChunkServer: It is used to store the actual file data, usually a fragment of the file.

gofsctl: It is used to operate the file system and update configuration and other functions.

As you can see, the whole project is divided into three parts. Let's get more.

Master&Slave: MetaServer is the most important component, which determines whether the system can work properly, so we need to achieve high availability on MetaServer and adopt master-slave architecture.

Namespace: We hope that there will be diversity in the file system, such as different configurations, file isolation, and each namespace is isolated from each other.

EditLog: Each operation of gofs can be regarded as a edit log. In the master-slave architecture, master-slave consistency is achieved by copying and applying EditLog.

Snapshot: Use the snapshot to quickly restore the state of gofs to the state before the shutdown. The snapshot will record the current EditLog number and minimize metadata loss with EditLog.

Heartbeat: MetaServer periodically communicates with each ChunkServer server through heartbeat information, sends instructions to each ChunkServer server, and receives the status information of each ChunkServer server.

Chunk: Usually, we divide files into fixed-size chunks, which is conducive to disk or network I/O and management, and disaster recovery can be achieved through backup blocks.

Lease: Since most of the file operations of the client do not interact directly with the MetaServer, a lease mechanism is needed to control the connection and release of the client.

Based on these, my goal is to design and implement a high-performance, highly available distributed file system. You can refer to GFS, for more possible technical details.

It's very challenging. We can use some open source tools to help implement it, but I still hope to implement most of the components.




We appreciate your help!

If you have any ideas to join us, please see CONTRIBUTING for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.

Note: Ignore the branch 'old code', but it can be used as a reference.