Headless CMS API using AdonisJS

This is a Backend API for Headless CMS, build with AdonisJS. AdonisJS is a fully featured web framework for Node.js. It's like a Nodejs version of Laravel.


  • Built in CRUD Controller
  • Built in Auth

CRUD Controller

CRUD Controller is a base controller that can be extended by other controller to implement basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operation. It includes index, show, create, update, and delete method.

Index method support filtering and sorting by query string. Available query strings are:

Query String Default Value Available Value Example
sort created_at Use table column as value sort=name
order desc asc or desc order=asc
filter desc Array of JSON object filter=[{"field": "name", "value": "John", "operator": "like"}]
page 1 Any unsigned integer value page=1
limit 10 Any unsigned integer value. Use 0 to show all data limit=20

To use CrudController class, extend it from child controller that will used it as parent

export default class UsersController extends CrudController {


Basically filter is a JSON object. The type is like below:

type Filter = {
  field: string
  value: any
  operator: 'like' | '=' | '<>' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | 'in' | 'not in'


Provided with built in Auth, using @adonisjs/auth package. Read more about AdonisJS Auth here