
Flutter library for improving app security and threat monitoring on Android and iOS mobile devices.

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freeRASP for Flutter

freeRASP for Flutter is a mobile in-app protection and security monitoring SDK. It aims to cover the main aspects of RASP (Runtime App Self Protection) and application shielding.

📔 Table of contents


The freeRASP is available for Flutter, Android, and iOS developers. We encourage community contributions, investigations of attack cases, joint data research, and other activities aiming to make better app security and app safety for end-users.

freeRASP SDK is designed to combat

  • Reverse engineering attempts
  • Re-publishing or tampering with the apps
  • Running application in a compromised OS environment
  • Malware, fraudsters, and cybercriminal activities

Key features are the detection and prevention of

  • Root/Jailbreak (e.g., unc0ver, check1rain)
  • Hooking framework (e.g., Frida, Shadow)
  • Untrusted installation method
  • App/Device (un)binding

Additional freeRASP features include low latency, easy integration and a weekly Security Report containing detailed information about detected incidents and potential threats, summarizing the state of your app security.

The commercial version provides a top-notch protection level, extra features, support and maintenance. One of the most valued commercial features is AppiCrypt® - App Integrity Cryptogram.

It allows easy to implement API protection and App Integrity verification on the backend to prevent API abuse:

  • Bruteforce attacks
  • Botnets
  • Session-hijacking
  • DDoS

It is a unified solution that works across all mobile platforms without dependency on external web services (i.e., without extra latency, an additional point of failure, and maintenance costs).

Learn more about commercial features at https://talsec.app.

Learn more about freemium freeRASP features at GitHub main repository.


We will guide you step-by-step, but you can always check the expected result in the example.

Step 1: Prepare Talsec library

Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml file

  freerasp: 3.0.2

and run pub get

iOS setup

After depending on plugin, follow with these steps:

  1. Open terminal
  2. Navigate to your Flutter project
  3. Switch to ios folder
$ cd ios
  1. Run: pod install
$ pod install

Note: .symlinks folder should now be visible under your ios folder.

  1. Open .xcworkspace/.xcodeproject folder of Flutter project in xcode
  2. Go to Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme... > Build (dropdown arrow) > Pre-actions
  3. Hit + and then New Run Script Action
  4. Set Provide build setting from to Runner
  5. Use the following code to automatically use an appropriate Talsec version for a release or debug (dev) build (see an explanation here):
cd "${SRCROOT}/.symlinks/plugins/freerasp/ios"
if [ "${CONFIGURATION}" = "Release" ]; then
    rm -rf ./TalsecRuntime.xcframework
    ln -s ./Release/TalsecRuntime.xcframework/ TalsecRuntime.xcframework
    rm -rf ./TalsecRuntime.xcframework
    ln -s ./Debug/TalsecRuntime.xcframework/ TalsecRuntime.xcframework
  1. Close the terminal window and then resolve warnings in the xcode project:

    1. Go to Show the Issue navigator
    2. Click twice on Update to recommended settings under Runner project issue > Perform changes
    3. Click twice on Update to recommended settings under Pods project issue > Perform changes

    Issues should be clear now.

  2. Check if the ios/.symlinks/plugins/freerasp/ios contains TalsecRuntime.xcframework symlink. If not, create it manually in that folder using the following command.

ln -s ./Debug/TalsecRuntime.xcframework/ TalsecRuntime.xcframework

If there is no .symlinks folder, create the symlink in the freerasp/ios folder.

  1. Run pod install in the application ios folder.

Note: You need Xcode 13 to be able to build the application.

Android setup

  • From root of your project, go to android > app > build.gradle
  • In defaultConfig update minSdkVersion to at least 21 (Android 5.0) or higher
android {
defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 21

Dev vs Release version

The Dev version is used during the development of the application. It separates development and production data and disables some checks which won't be triggered during the development process:

  • Emulator-usage (onEmulatorDetected, onSimulatorDetected)
  • Debugging (onDebuggerDetected)
  • Signing (onTamperDetected, onSignatureDetected)

Which version of freeRASP is used is tied to the application's development stage - more precisely, how the application is compiled.

  • debug (assembleDebug) = dev version
  • release (assembleRelease) = release version

Step 2: Setup the Configuration for your App

Adding imports to the top of file, where you want to use Talsec:

import 'package:freerasp/talsec_app.dart';

Make (convert or create a new one) your root widget (typically one in runApp(MyWidget())) and override its initState in State

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {

    //TODO: freeRASP implementation

and then create a Talsec config and insert AndroidConfig and/or IOSConfig with highlighted identifiers: expectedPackageName and expectedSigningCertificateHash are needed for Android version.

  • expectedPackageName - package name of your app you chose when you created it
  • expectedSigningCertificateHash - hash of the certificate of the key which was used to sign the application. Hash which is passed here must be encoded in Base64 form

We provide a handy util tool to help you convert your SHA-256 hash to Base64:

// Signing hash of your app
String base64Hash = hashConverter.fromSha256toBase64(sha256HashHex);

We strongly recommend providing result value of this tool as expectedSigningCertificateHash.

Do not use this tool directly in expectedSigningCertificateHash to get value.

If you are not sure how to get your hash certificate, you can check out the guide on our Github wiki.

Similarly, appBundleId and appTeamId are needed for iOS version of app. If you publish on the Google Play Store and/or Huawei AppGallery, you don't have to assign anything to supportedAlternativeStores as those are supported out of the box.

Lastly, pass a mail address to watcherMail to be able to get reports. Mail has a strict form name@domain.com which is passed as String.

If you are developing only for one of the platforms, you can leave the configuration part for the other one, i.e., delete the other congifuration.

void initState() {

Future<void> initSecurityState() async {
  TalsecConfig config = TalsecConfig(

    // For Android
    androidConfig: AndroidConfig(
      expectedPackageName: 'YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME',
      expectedSigningCertificateHash: 'HASH_OF_YOUR_APP',
      supportedAlternativeStores: ["com.sec.android.app.samsungapps"],

    // For iOS
    iosConfig: IOSconfig(
      appBundleId: 'YOUR_APP_BUNDLE_ID',
      appTeamId: 'YOUR_APP_TEAM_ID',

    // Common email for Alerts and Reports
    watcherMail: 'your_mail@example.com',

Step 3: Handle detected threats

Create AndroidCallback and/or IOSCallback objects and provide VoidCallback function pointers to handle detected threats:

void initState() {
  // Talsec config
  // ...

  // Talsec callback handler
  TalsecCallback callback = TalsecCallback(
  // For Android
  androidCallback: AndroidCallback(
    onRootDetected: () => print('root'),
    onEmulatorDetected: () => print('emulator'),
    onHookDetected: () => print('hook'),
    onTamperDetected: () => print('tamper'),
    onDeviceBindingDetected: () => print('device binding'),
    onUntrustedInstallationDetected: () => print('untrusted install'),
  // For iOS
  iosCallback: IOSCallback(
      onSignatureDetected: () => print('signature'),
      onRuntimeManipulationDetected: () => print('runtime manipulation'),
      onJailbreakDetected: () => print('jailbreak'),
      onPasscodeDetected: () => print('passcode'),
      onSimulatorDetected: () => print('simulator'),
      onMissingSecureEnclaveDetected: () => print('secure enclave'),
      onDeviceChangeDetected: () => print('device change'),
      onDeviceIdDetected: () => print('device ID'),
      onUnofficialStoreDetected: () => print('unofficial store')),
  // Common for both platforms
  onDebuggerDetected: () => print('debugger'),

If you are developing only for one of the platforms, you can leave the callback definition for the other one, i.e., delete the other callback definition.

Visit our wiki to learn more details about the performed checks and their importance for app security.

Step 4: Start the Talsec

Start Talsec to detect threats just by adding these two lines below the created config and the callback handler:

void initState() {
  // Talsec config
  // ...
  // Talsec callback handler
  // ...

  TalsecApp app = TalsecApp(
    config: config,
    callback: callback,


Step 5: User Data Policies

Google Play requires all app publishers to declare how they collect and handle user data for the apps they publish on Google Play. They should inform users properly of the data collected by the apps and how the data is shared and processed. Therefore, Google will reject the apps which do not comply with the policy.

Apple has a similar approach and specifies the types of collected data.

You should also visit our Android and iOS submodules to learn more about their respective data policies.

And you're done 🎉!


[Android] Could not find ... dependency issue

Solution: Add dependency manually (see issue).

In android -> app -> build.gradle add these dependencies

dependencies {

 ... some other dependecies ...

   // Talsec Release
   releaseImplementation 'com.aheaditec.talsec.security:TalsecSecurity-Community-Flutter:*-release'

   // Talsec Debug
   implementation 'com.aheaditec.talsec.security:TalsecSecurity-Community-Flutter:*-dev'

[iOS] Unable to build release for simulator in Xcode (errors)

Solution: Simulator does not support release build of Flutter - more about it here. Use a real device in order to build the app in release mode.

[iOS] MissingPluginException occurs on hot restart

Solution: Technical limitation of Flutter - more about it here. Use command flutter run to launch app (i.e. run app from scratch).

[Android] Code throws java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for... exception when building APK

Solution: Android version of freeRASP is already obfuscated.

Add this rule to your proguard-rules.pro file:

-keepclasseswithmembernames,includedescriptorclasses class * {
native ;

If you encounter any other issues, you can see the list of solved issues here, or open up a new one.

Security Report

The Security Report is a weekly summary describing the application's security state and characteristics of the devices it runs on in a practical and easy-to-understand way.

The report provides a quick overview of the security incidents, their dynamics, app integrity, and reverse engineering attempts. It contains info about the security of devices, such as OS version or the ratio of devices with screen locks and biometrics. Each visualization also comes with a concise explanation.

To receive Security Reports, fill out the watcherMail field in Talsec config.

enter image description here

Enterprise Services

We provide extended services (AppiCrypt, Hardening, Secure Storage, and Certificate Pinning) to our commercial customers as well. To get the most advanced protection compliant with PSD2 RT and eIDAS and support from our experts, contact us at talsec.app.

TIP: You can try freeRASP and then upgrade easily to an enterprise service.

Plans Comparison

freeRASP Business
Runtime App Self Protection (RASP, app shielding)
Advanced root/jailbreak protections basic advanced
Runtime reverse engineering controls
  • Debug
  • Emulator
  • Hooking protections
basic advanced
Runtime integrity controls
  • Tamper protection
  • Repackaging / Cloning protection
  • Device binding protection
basic advanced
Device OS security status check
  • HW security module control
  • Device lock control
  • Device lock change control
yes yes
UI protection
  • Overlay protection
  • Accessibility services protection
no yes
Hardening suite
Security hardening suite
  • Dynamic certificate pinning
  • Obfuscation
  • Secure storage hardening
  • Secure pinpad
no yes
AppiCrypt® - App Integrity Cryptogram
API protection by mobile client integrity check, online risk scoring, online fraud prevention, client App integrity check. The cryptographic proof of app & device integrity. no yes
AppSec regular email reporting yes (up to 100k devices) yes
Data insights and auditing portal no yes
Embed code to integrate with portal no yes
API data access no yes