
Super damn simple idea on systemd unit custom agent

Primary LanguageGo


Simple agent tool to monitor the systemd unit or process status changes


This tool used to get the status changes of the monitored service. Once changes detected it would sent alert to the recipient. Currently it support email and slack messenger to get the alert

How to work

sysdagent would find the PID of monitored process that run. It monitor the changes of signal from monitored process. The signal that it monitor is SIGINT, SIGKILL, SIGTERM, SIGSTOP. If one of them catched by sysdagent, it would sent the status to receiver target which is defined in configuration file.

Image of How to work

Running as backround process

sysdagent can be run in background process with register it as one of systemd unit. Once its run, it easier for you to fine tune the configuration and start/stop/restart this application