This is a modified project from the two-class(cell and background) zhixuhao/unet here. The main purpose of this project is establishing a process of multiple classification. Here are 3 classes, dog, cat and background and I open the labelled images. Try it!
I simplified my code and now make training much easier. Once you want to run training, you can just pass some parameters in command line like below:
python3 -n 001 -lr 0.00004 -ldr 0.000008 -b 16 -s 60 -e 80
-n = A number helps save different .h5 and directories of infered images.
-lr = learning rate
-ldr = learning decay rate
-b = batch size
-s = steps
-e = epochs
(check more params in mode/
After you build up your own dev environment, you can run with the command immediately.
The structure of this project is:
/data/catndog : my sample collection of cat and dog with the required catalog.
All you have see are defined as below:
- : prepare the related images you want to train and predict.
- : define the U-net structure
- : run the program
My original size of images is 512x512. However, they'll be resized to 256x256 for U-net architecture defined in I collect the sample images of cats and dogs from internet. You can find my sample data in /data/catndog/. However, /catndog/ just show how to put your data. You can prepare your data by your own.
My modifications are summerized below:
in def trainGenerator(), at first, comment "classes". Second, set the target directories as train_path+"image" in image_datagen.flow_from_directory() and train_path+"label" in mask_datagen.flow_from_directory(). Keras will detect the classes from your training data automatically.
Let all the "flag_multi_class = True"
in def adjustdata(), reshape the mask with (batch_size, width, height, classes). Every channel in fourth dimemsion corresponds to a certain class with one-hot format. This repo only written for 3 classes(cat, dog, background).
in labelVsiualize(), pick up the max value in one-hot vector and draw the corresponding colors to every gnenerated all-zero array. You can define the color in clolor_dict.
All the U-net architecture is defined in .
Training and test steps are defined in .
- Tensorflow : 1.4.0
- Keras >= 1.0
- Python 3.5.2
- cuda 8.0 (for my Nvidia GTX980ti)
(it's optional, but I recommend that):
- docker 18.09.5
If there is any other suggestion, do not hesitate to tell me.
The orinigal thesis:U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation.