showcase the C++ + OPENGL skills. Developed some fundamental effects for real time rendering.

Lab2 and Lab3 use different main.cpp

Lab2 : source/mainLab2.cpp

Lab3 : source/mainLab3.cpp

Lab4 : source/mainLab4.cpp

Final Project : source/Final.cpp

You can easily deploy the code by changing the executable parameter to different main function in Cmakelist.txt

For Lab2: Press 1 to show all the Transmittance Effects, including reflection, refraction, fresnel, Chromatic Dispersion
Press 2 to show all the reflection effects for different objects
Press 3 to show all the refraction effects for different objects
Press 4 to show all the fresnel effects with differnt ratio and objects
Press 5 to show all the chromatic Dispersion with different parameter and objects
Press 6 to show around the skybox

For Lab3:
Press 1 to change between with normal/Bump mapping and without normal/Bump mapping

For Lab4:
Press 1 There's no mipmapping
Press 2 With the parameter GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST Press 3 With the parameter GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
Press 4 With the parameter GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR
Press 5 With the parameter GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR

For final Project: Press 1 to zoom in and 2 to zoom out.