Candidate Application & Score Calculator
View app
candidate view
We love to give visual feedback to the recruiters about where their candidate stand in their pipeline. Proposed solution consists of 2 screens:
- The applicant screen - filling it in will send the application to the server
- The candidate list screen - where all existing and new candidates can be viewed (reflecting input from the previous screen)
This app needs to display the list of candidates taken from this API: GET (If API is not available, use file located in this repository under /data/candidates.json) and send a local request instead.
Screens are provided in /data folder for reference, it doesn't have to look identical, just a visual reference, you can use Material or Bootstrap for UI components
As a Candidate:
- I want to be able to provide my data in application form without any field being required
- [OPTIONAL] I want to be able to upload my photo
As a Recruiter:
- I want to be able to view a list of my candidates
- For each application calculate score:
- Up to 10% if full name provided
- 10% if email provided
- 10% if password provided
- 20% if phone provided
- [OPTIONAL] 50% if image uploaded (calculate accordingly if implemented or not)
- I want by clicking on the "..." menu, be able to "delete" the candidate (hide from display)
- I want by clicking on the "..." menu, be able to change candidate state from "submitted" to "in review" to either "not a fit" or "hired"
Technical Notes
There's no restriction to backend technology, you can e.g.:
- utilize localStorage for candidate data storage (as your backend) and merge it with existing API data
- spin up a NodeJS server
If the external API is too slow, make sure it's not visible or felt by the user, find a way to make load/wait time a pleasure.
Tech Stack
Use ReactJS with TypeScript, test your code with a preferred library of your choice, also feel free to choose either unit tests or E2E tests with Cypress Linter, CSSinJS is a plus
- Fork this repo
- Commit early and often. We want to be able to check your way of thinking
- Make the app public. Deploy it using the service of your choice (ZEIT, Cloud Run, Heroku)
- Create a pull request
You don't have to finish all of that, but we would really love to see a working piece. What's more important for us is to see your way of thinking and priority on tasks during implementation!