This details the steps to build and run the Linn IT Christmas tree 2016.
Kit required:
- Raspberry Pi Zero
- Wifi dongle
- RGB light strip with WS2812 controllers
- Buffer and Line Driver to take 3.3v signal for Pi and switch a WS2812 compatible 5v signal for the WS2812 data channel. We used this:
- External 5v power supply for light strip
- Obtain a certificate for your Thing and register it with AWS IOT.
will create a certificate, private and public key. It will output the Arn of the certificate which you need to reference for the cloudformation stack. You should download the root ca certificate from Amazon. - Store the certificates in the
folder and the Arn in/certs/arn.txt
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name it-christmas-tree --template-body file://./aws/cloudformation.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ThingName,ParameterValue=it-christmas-tree ParameterKey=Certificate,ParameterValue=\
cat certs/arn.txt``- Copy the
file to.env
and modify as appropriate.