
The purpose of this project is to create a chat room web application using the Java API for Websockets.

Code Example

The Java server will be written using the Java API for WebSockets, and the client will be written in JavaScript, which will utilise the jQuery library for DOM manipulation.


I have created this project to help solidify my understanding of the Java API for WebSockets after watching the Pluralsight course "Introduction to the Java API for WebSockets" @

Getting started

This Java EE project was created using Adam Bien's minimalist maven archetype, which can be found at:

HTML websocket clients

Access the Echo endpoint @

Access the Chat webapp @

Sonar Report

The Sonar report for this project can be found @

Sonar maven command

mvn clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent package sonar:sonar \ \
    -Dsonar.organization=bazzani-github \
    -Dsonar.login=___Ask Barry for the Key!___