
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Solutions To Task to Genesys Tech hub Backend Development Internship


Task: Create A Todo Web App

Languages/Frameworks: Html, Css, Javascript

Repo Link: https://github.com/bazzscript/Learnable21/tree/master/Week2/todo_task

Replit Live Link : https://replit.com/@bazzscript/Todo-Task


Task: You Are Experiencing Classic Lycanthropy And By Recording Your Events's, I Am Going To Help You Figure Out What Triggers Your Turning To A Werewolf'

Languages/Frameworks: NodeJs,Javascript

Repo Link: https://github.com/bazzscript/Learnable21/tree/master/week3/werewolf

Replit Live Link : https://replit.com/@bazzscript/werewolfjs


Task: You will work on a simple Movie renting Command Line APP that lets people rent movies from a movie store. By applying everything learnt so far, you will build out your movie renting API using JavaScript Objects

Languages/Frameworks: NodeJs,Javascript

Repo Link: https://github.com/bazzscript/Learnable21/tree/master/week4

Replit Live Link : https://replit.com/@bazzscript/MovieRentApi


Task: Using the Javascript Module Pattern design a book renting command line app / mini api

Languages/Frameworks: NodeJs,Javascript

Repo Link: https://github.com/bazzscript/Learnable21/tree/master/week6

Replit Live Link : https://replit.com/@bazzscript/BookLendingPlartform


Task: Without Using Any NodeJs Framewrokes / Librarys, develop a book lending A.P.I

  The functionalities must include:
  1. The admin is suppose to add a total number of copies available for a particular book

  2. Registration of a user (assume you are to issue them a library id card, so how would you identify them)

  3. The user should be able to request for a book;

  4. When a book is requested by a user, we would want to decrease the count of the available copies for rent

  5. If a book's availability is zero, then we want to respond to the user that this book is not currently available for rent

  6. The user should be able to return the borrowed book.

Languages/Frameworks: NodeJs,Javascript

Repo Link: https://github.com/bazzscript/Learnable21/tree/master/week7

Replit Live Link :