
PHP client library for consuming the Buildkite API

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PHP client library for consuming the Buildkite API


composer require bbaga/buildkite-php


Setting up the API objects

\Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface implementation is available in the bbaga/buildkite-php-guzzle-client package.

Rest API

use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\RestApi;

/** @var \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface $client */
$client = new MyHttpClient(); 

$api = new RestApi($client, 'MY_BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN');


use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\GraphQLApi;

/** @var \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface $client */
$client = new MyHttpClient(); 

$api = new GraphQLApi($client, 'MY_BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN');

Interacting with Buildkite's GraphQL API

use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\GraphQLApi;
use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\GuzzleClient;

$query = '
    query example($slug: ID!, $first: Int){
        viewer { user { name } }
        organization(slug: $slug) {
            pipelines(first: $first) {
                edges {
                    node {

$variables = json_encode(['slug' => 'my-org', 'first' => 5]);

$client = new GuzzleClient();
$api = new GraphQLApi($client, 'MY_BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN');

$api->getResponseBody($api->post($query, $variables));

Interacting with Buildkite's REST API

Example of traversing through resources

use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\GuzzleClient;
use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\Rest\Fluent;
use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\RestApi;

$client = new GuzzleClient();
$api = new RestApi($client, 'MY_BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN');

/** Getting all the organizations that are visible with the TOKEN */
/** @var Fluent\Organization[] $organizations */
$organizations = (new Fluent\Organizations($api))->get();

/** @var Fluent\Organization $organization */
$organization = $organizations[0];

/** @var Fluent\Pipeline $pipelines */
$pipelines = $organization->getPipelines();

/** @var Fluent\Pipeline $pipeline */
$pipeline = $pipelines[0];

/** @var Fluent\Build[] $builds */
$builds = $pipeline->getBuilds();

/** @var Fluent\Build $build */
$build = $builds[0];

/** @var Fluent\Job[] $jobs */
$jobs = $build->getJobs();

/** @var Fluent\Emoji[] $emojis */
$emojis = $organizations[0]->getEmojis();

/** @var Fluent\Agent[] $emojis */
$agents = $organizations[0]->getAgents();

Accessing resources without traversing

Fetching data for a specific build without traversing through the hierarchy.

use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\GuzzleClient;
use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\Rest\Fluent;
use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\RestApi;

$client = new GuzzleClient();
$api = new RestApi($client, 'MY_BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN');

 * Builds are identified by the follwoing three values 
$organizationSlug = 'my-org';
$pipelineSlug = 'my-pipeline';
$buildNumber = 23;

$organization = new Fluent\Organization($api, ['slug' => $organizationSlug]);
$pipeline = new Fluent\Pipeline($api, $organization, ['slug' => $pipelineSlug]);
$build = new Fluent\Build($api, $organization, ['number' => $buildNumber, 'pipeline' => $pipeline]);


Creating a new pipeline

use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\GuzzleClient;
use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\Rest\Fluent;
use bbaga\BuildkiteApi\Api\RestApi;

$client = new GuzzleClient();
$api = new RestApi($client, 'MY_BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN');

$organization = new Fluent\Organization($api, ['slug' => 'my-org']);
$pipeline = $organization->createPipeline(
        'name' => 'my-pipeline',
        'repository' => 'git@github.com:some/repo.git',
        'steps' => [
                'type' => 'script',
                'name' => 'upload artifact',
                'command' => 'echo "Hello" > artifact.txt \
                 && buildkite-agent artifact upload artifact.txt \
                 && cat artifact.txt | buildkite-agent annotate --style "success" --context "junit"',
                'type' => 'manual',
                'name' => 'Needs to be unblocked',
                'command' => 'echo "Unblocked!"',

 * Pipeline is ready, we can kick off the first build
$buildSettings = [
    'commit' => 'HEAD',
    'branch' => 'master',
    'message' => 'Testing all the things :rocket:',


Direct API calls

Organizations API

Organizations related methods are exposed via $api->organization()

Detailed documentation for the Organizations API is available here

List the organizations


Get a specific organization


Pipelines API

Pipelines related methods are exposed via $api->pipeline()

Detailed documentation for the Pipelines API is available here

List pipelines in an organizations


Get a specific pipeline

$api->pipeline()->get('my-organization', 'my-pipeline');

Create a pipeline

$pipelineData = [
    'name' => 'My Pipeline',
    'repository' => 'git@github.com:acme-inc/my-pipeline.git',
    'steps' => [
            'type' => 'script',
            'name' => 'Build :package:',
            'command' => 'script/release.sh',

$api->pipeline()->create('my-organization', $pipelineData);

Update a pipeline

$pipelineData = [
    'repository' => 'git@github.com:acme-inc/new-repo.git',

$api->pipeline()->update('my-organization', 'my-pipelines', $pipelineData);

Delete a pipelne

$api->pipeline()->delete('my-organization', 'my-pipeline');

Builds API

Builds related methods are exposed via $api->build()

Detailed documentation for the Builds API is available here

List all builds across all the organizations


Get a specific build

$buildNumber = 1;
$api->build()->get('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber);

Get builds in an organization

$api->build()->getByOrganization('my-organization', $queryParameters);

Get builds for a pipeline

$api->build()->getByPipeline('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $queryParameters);

Create a new build

$buildSettings = [
    'commit' => 'abcd0b72a1e580e90712cdd9eb26d3fb41cd09c8',
    'branch' => 'master',
    'message' => 'Testing all the things :rocket:',
    'author' => [
        'name' => 'Keith Pitt',
        'email' => 'me@keithpitt.com',
    'env' => [
        'MY_ENV_VAR' => 'some_value',
    'meta_data' => [
        'some build data' => 'value',
        'other build data' => true,

$api->build()->create('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildSettings);

Cancel a running build

$buildNumber = 12;
$api->build()->cancel('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber);

Restarting a build

$buildNumber = 12;
$api->build()->rebuild('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber);

Jobs API

Jobs related methods are exposed via $api->job()

Detailed documentation for the Jobs API is available here

Retry a job

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';

$api->job()->retry('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber, $jobId);

Unblock a job

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';

$api->job()->unblock('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber, $jobId);

Get logs for a job

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';

$api->job()->getLogOutput('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber, $jobId);

Delete logs of a job

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';

$api->job()->deleteLogOutput('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber, $jobId);

Get the environment variables from a job

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';

$api->job()->getEnvironmentVariables('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber, $jobId);

Artifacts API

Jobs related methods are exposed via $api->artifact()

Detailed documentation for the Artifacts API is available here

Get artifacts uploaded from a build

$buildNumber = 12;
$api->artifact()->getByBuild('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber);

Get artifacts uploaded from a job

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';

$api->artifact()->getByJob('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber, $jobId);

Get a specific artifact

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';
$artifactId = '567038da5f03724b02a1cbf07a12fbcedfg';


Delete a specific artifact

$buildNumber = 12;
$jobId = '0738da5f-0372-4b02-a1cb-f07a12fbcdcd';
$artifactId = '567038da5f03724b02a1cbf07a12fbcedfg';


Agents API

Agents related methods are exposed via $api->agent()

Detailed documentation for the Agents API is available here

List agents for an organization


Get a specific agent

$agentId = '1d633306-de28-4944-ad84-fde0d50a6c9e';
$api->agent()->list('my-organization', $agentId);

Stop an agent

$agentId = '1d633306-de28-4944-ad84-fde0d50a6c9e';
$api->agent()->list('my-organization', $agentId);

Annotations API

Annotations related methods are exposed via $api->annotation()

Detailed documentation for the Annotations API is available here

Get annotations uploaded by a build

$buildNumber = 12;
$api->annotation()->list('my-organization', 'my-pipeline', $buildNumber);

Users API

Users related methods are exposed via $api->user()

Detailed documentation for the Users API is available here

Get current user


Emojis API

Emojis related methods are exposed via $api->emoji()

Detailed documentation for the Users API is available here

List available emojis




make test

Integration testing

A Buildkite account and a running agent is required for integration testing and the following environment variables must be set.


These can be set in the phpunit.xml by making a copy of phpunit.xml.dist and extending it with the following snippet

        <env name="BK_TEST_TOKEN" value="my-buildkite-api-token"/>
        <env name="BK_TEST_ORG" value="my-organization-slug"/>
        <env name="BK_TEST_PREFIX" value="something-uniqe"/>
        <env name="GITHUB_REF" value="refs/heads/master"/>
        <env name="GITHUB_REPOSITORY" value="your-name/buildkite-php"/>

Once the environment variables are set the test suite can be started

make integration